Chapter 4

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After Spanish, it's time for Physical Education. I'm excited. I've always been one of those who are much more interested in sports. I'm not the kind of girl who cries over things like breaking a damn nail. Though I love my outfits that my mom personally designs for me sometimes. I think that's because the outfits are made by my mother. I don't really care how I look. I go into the school gym to find Will, Uriah and his brother Zeke. They're talking to Four. He turns and looks at me.

"Hey there, Tris!" Four shouts and waves me over. I go over to them.

"So, you ready for PE?" Will asks.

"I'm always ready for some action." I say.

"Oh yeah, bro!" Uriah says to me.

"Uriah! I'm not a dude!" I say, laughing.

"But you're kinda boyish!" He says.

"Well, that's her nature Uriah." Four says."So unlike all the other girls here." He says and grunts. I notice he's looking at the girls in the corner of the room, who practically seem to be fangirling over him, with irritation clear in his eyes.

"What's with them?"I ask.

"Oh Tris, no ,matter how hard I try to avoid them," Four says, pointing to the girls. "They seem to follow me every where I go."

"Oh right, I get it. You're practically every girl's dream man in this school." I say. Even mine, though I don't show it.

"I wish I wasn't." He says. "It's annoying."

"Hey Four!" A girl with shoulder length black hair says to him from behind.

"Oh no, not her again!" Four says.

"Get lost, Molly! You're no friend of ours." Zeke says to Molly.

"So is she." Molly says, pointing to me.

"Of course she is! She has become one of us from the moment we met her. Now go away." Zeke defends me. Well, that was nice of him.

"Thanks, Zeke." I say.

"No problem. You're like the little sister I never had." He says. Four smiles.

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