Chapter 7

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Tris POV

I feel so pumped up right now. Why? It's lunch. Not because I'm hungry or something. Because I get to see Four. Not only for lunch but the whole of 2nd block. I don't know why am I like this. I could hardly contain my excitement. Suddenly, someone plops down next to me. In a moment, I find myself drowning a pair of ocean blue eyes. He smiles a beautiful smile at me. So beautiful that it makes my heart melt. I smile back.

"Hey Trissy!" He says. Trissy? He gave me a pet name.

"Hey Four!" I say."You looking forward to 2nd block."

"I most definetely am!" He says.

"And why might that be?" I ask.

"I don't know. Maybe it's because of a certain person." He says.

"A certain person?"I ask.

"A girl. I like a girl. And she's with me for the whole of 2nd block."He says and something in deflates. Of course he wouldn't like me.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"I don't want to tell anyone yet." He says, smiling dreamily.

I feel like crying right now. But I keep it in. I want to be alone.

"Um, Four?" I call. He looks at me.

"I have to go the washroom. See you later." I say. He nods, looking disappointed.


I go to my first class in 2nd block. Literature. I've kinda liked poems since I was young so I took up this class. Four plops down next to me. He smiles at me. I smile back sadly. He opens his mouth to say something but the teacher, Ms Melissa comes in.

"Class, Today I've an announcement today. At the end of the year, there'll be a prom. You'll have to go in pairs but with someone of the different gender. It's gonna be pretty formal so I suggest you dress appropriately." She says. I don't think I'll be going. The she starts lesson.


Oh boy, 2nd block was so boring. As I walk towards my Lamborgini, I see a figure leaning against it. I regonise it as Four. When I am close enough, he smiles at me.

"Tris?" He says. I nod.

"Will you go to the prom with me?" He asks. Okay, I'm surprised. Why'd he ask me and not the girl he likes? But I really want to go to the prom.

"Of course." I say. His smile get wider and his blue eyes look so bright.

"So, what about my ride?" He asks , poiniting to my car. I totally forgot about it.

"Of course, let's go." I say and we get in my car.

"Cool!" He says, running fingers on my deckboard.

"So where do you wanna go?" I say, turning on the radio.

"How about my house?" He says.

"Okay, where's your house? Or wait, how about you drive?" I ask.

"Really Tris? You want me to drive?" He asks, amazed.

"Of course." I say and we get out and switch seats. He starts the car stars driving.

As he drives, I see that the route is very familiar. Then, I realise.

"Four? Why're you taking me to my house?" I ask, as he stops at a house beside mine.

"No, this is my house." He says.

"And that's my house." I say, pointing forward.

"Wow! We're neighbours." He says, laughing."Let's go!"

As I enter his house, I notice that it's much smaller than mine. This is kind of house I've always wanted. Small and beautiful.

"It's awesome." I say.

"Thanks." He says.

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