Chapter 5

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                             matter how hard I try. I can't get my mind off him. Who am I talking about? Four, the boy with the ocean blue eyes of course. So I plug into my iPod touch and listen to Shower by Becky G. It describes the type of feelings I have for him perfectly.
You light me up inside, like the 4th of July...
4th of July. 4. Oh, this song is just perfect! It was just the first day at school and I already have a crush. Isn't it way too fast? La da dee, la da da, yeah, singing in the shower...I eventually fall asleep.
The next day I wake up smiling because my alarm makes me. Shower by Becky G again. I changed it last night while thinking about him. I get up quickly and get ready for in lightning speed. Suddenly, the door opens and Caleb peeks in.
"Tris, wake u-woah!! Up already?!" He asks when sees me. I blush.
"But too bad, we still have like 1 hour for school." He tells me. "You have some free time I guess." He says and leaves.
So I just listen to songs about having a crush for the whole time. When it's time, I practically dash out the door, not even caring about breakfast. I pull up into the parking lot, beside the Harley again. Only now, I see Four leaning against. So it's his motorcycle. He has a unique taste. He looks up and smiles at me. He sees my car and gawks at it. I swear I feel my cheeks get red and warm.
"So this goddess is yours?!" He asks. I nod.
"I want a ride!" He says.
"Of course! We could go sometime." I say. He likes my car!! But I am acting as if he said he likes me.
"It's so cool! So unlike my rusty old bike! I've always dreamed of having a car. Especially a Ferrari." He says, looking dreamily at the sky.
"What's wrong with your bike? I think it's cool!" I say.
"Gee. Thanks!!" He says. "Let's go inside, Tris." He says and takes my hand. A spark shoots through me. I wonder if he felt it too. I really hope he did.

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