Chapter 15

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Tris POV(Skip through the week to Sunday.)

It's finally Sunday. I finally get to see my parents and talk to them!!! I don't get to see them at all throughout the weekdays, not even Saturday! I get up and brush my teeth. I rush down to breakfast, not bothering to change out of my pj's.

"Hi mom and dad!!" I call out. They look at me and smile.

"Morning, Beatrice! Did you sleep well?" My mum asks.

"Yes mom!" I say. I sit beside my dad and look at him. He looking through a file about some recent case in the court. Won't he get a break from all that?! Ugh! I look away, sadly. My mum notices this and nudges him.

"Andrew, get a break from all that. Today is Sunday. It's supposed to be just us. Even I'm busy with my new fashion line. But this day is the only day we spend as a family." She says to him. He quickly puts the file away and looks at me. He pulls me into his arms.

"Sorry Beatrice! How's your school? Made any friends? Boyfriends?" He asks, grinning at me.

I tell him about my group of friends and Four. I also tell him on how Four admires him and aspires to be like him.

"Wow, I think I like this boy you're talking about a lot. I'd like to meet him." He says.

"Actually, dad, he lives next door." I say.

"Okay, then why don't we pay a visit after lunch?" He asks. I nod and whip out my phone and call Four. After 3 rings , he picks up.

F-Hey! Four here.

T-Hey there! This is Tris.

F-Oh, it's my beautiful girlfriend!

T-Four, I have to tell you something.

F-What is it?

T-My dad wants to visit your house and meet you and your family.

F-What? Andrew Prior is coming to my house?!

T-Any problem?

F-OMG! It's the biggest honor ever! No problem! What time?

T-This afternoon, get ready.

F-It's on. Will you be there?


F-Awesome! Best. day. ever!!!

T-Ha ha! See ya there!

I hang up. I hope it goes well. Four meeting my dad isn't only important for us. It's mighty important for his dream career as well.

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