Chapter 11

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More Four POV....

I decided to sing What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction. There's a reason why I chose that song. You'll see next week. I practice the song all day in my room. Luckily, Marcus isn't home yet. I'm getting tired so I go to sleep.


The next morning, I wake to Marcus calling me loudly downstairs.

"Tobias! Please come down here!" He calls me. Alright, you found out my name. I'm Tobias Eaton. The reason why I'm nicknamed Four is because my football jersey number is 4. I quickly rush downstairs to see my father on the dining table, waiting. Oh no, this isn't good.

"Tobias, I..I want to tell you something."He says to me. I'm really surprised with his attitude. He's so..calm? So unlike him.

"I'm sorry." He says, looking down. Sorry? For what? He must see the look I give him."For abusing you, all these years." I think I want to faint right now. I check the calendar to see today isn't April fools' day or anything.

"I'm not expecting you to forgive me but I want to let you know that I'm sorry." He says and moves to see my back. He lifts up my shirt and gasps. I hear his silent sobs as he runs his fingers over my scars. "I promise to be a good father from now on and I mean it." He says and leaves for work.

Okay that was the weirdest thing I think I've ever experienced. Why the change suddenly? I'm not sure if I should believe it. But I like it.


I arrive in school in a very good mood today. Tris is smiling at me and my day gets a 1000 times better. I engulf her in a hug and she blushes. She's so cute when she blushes. I really want to kiss her. Just wait til next week, Tobias. I mentally tell myself.

"Let's go!" I say.


We're walking to the cafeteria right now. Lauren comes up to me. Okay, why does this happen almost every day to me? I ignore her and walk away, holding Tris's hand.


Phew, school's finally over and I can go back home now. To see if Marcus really means it. I pull up in front of the porch and go inside. I get the biggest surprise ever. Marcus and Evelyn, my mother, sitting on the holding hands and in tears.

"Mom?Dad?" I call out.

They look up at me and my mum smiles at me.

I sit on the chair beside them in confusion.

"What's going on here?" I ask, clutching a handful of my hair.

"Oh, Tobias, look at you. You've grown so much." My mum says.

"I though you were dead." I say.

"He only beat me before I went. So I thought he loved you I left you here, Tobias. But..but.." She trails off. More tears flow down Marcus's cheeks.

"Look, I don't know what's wrong with me. Neither am I expecting you 2 to forgive me. But I am sorry." He says, his voice thick with emotion.

"I think we should forget the past, Dad. I think we should start anew." I say. My parents nod.

My life is starting to take a better turn.


For your information, Marcus has REALLY REALLY changed. I did it for our Tobias. Most fanfics potray Marcus as an abusive character, so I kept my promise and made this unique. Hope you enjoy it. Stay Dauntless and keep reading, initiates. =)

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