Chapter 21

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Tris POV

While Four is at the washroom, the last 2 people I'd ever want to see come up to me with very angry looks on their faces. Lauren and Molly. Oh, why wouldn't they leave me alone? Ugh! But still I wear a smug look on my face.

"Haven't I taught you a lesson already? Do you need a repeat?" I smirk.

"You watch your back, girl. Four is mine." Molly says.

"No! He's mine!" Lauren shouts at her.

"So did you come to fight with me or yourselves? I don't wanna waste time with idiots." I say.

"I will get Four. You watch it." Lauren says coldly.

"We've had our eyes on him ever since the first day of school. You are someone who came here just a few weeks ago. You ruined it all!" Molly shouts at me.

"I didn't ruin anything! He had his eyes on me! Not on slutty girls like you! You don't know his taste at all! He doesn't like girls like you! You think flashing way too much skin and caking your face with pounds and pounds make up will impress him?! Never?! You're all are very derogatory girls! You think that'll impress him! I don't know how you are gonna get married in the future! I suggest you back off or you watch out, you seem to be forgetting that my dad is a world famous lawyer! He has a lot of friends who are cops! Now get lost!" I finish yelling at them. Fear flashes in their eyes and they walk off quickly. I hear someone clap from behind me. I turn around to see Four, grinning broadly at me.

"Hey Four! You're back!" I say.

"That was awesome!" He says. "You know me so well!"

"I guess so, Four." I say.

"And please call me Tobias when we're alone! I keep forgetting to tell you." He says.

"Okay, Tobias." I say. He grins.

"But why did you hide your name? Tobias Eaton sounds good." I say.

"Well, I didn't want anyone to know my real identity. So, yeah." He says.

"But why?" I ask.

"Well, just between you and me Tris." He says. I nod.

"My father, Marcus Eaton, used to abuse me." He says and I gasp.

"But that man looked so nice!" I say.

"Yeah, he's changed now. I said he used to abuse me, physically." He says."I'll show you my scars when school's over."

"Okay." I say and he presses his lips to mine. I pull away and we head to Math.


We are at lunch now.

"Tris? Do you know why Peter isn't here?" Christina asks me. Oh, they only heard about the Peter getting expelled part. They don't know the whole story like I do. But I don't wanna explain it again. So Tobias explains it to them. When he finishes, they don't look angry at Peter, they're staring at me with amusement written all over their faces.

"Tris! I didn't know you were so badass!" Zeke says.

"Whatever!" I say and head off to Lit. with Tobias trailing behind me.


When we get home, I pull Tobias to my room. He takes off his shirt and, god... He's hot! I blush and he turns around. I audibly gasp. His back looks horrendous. So many scars!

"Tobias, lay in the bed on your stomach. I'm gonna clean this up." I say. Before he says anything, I push him onto the bed and get the first aid kit. I use water to clean any germs off. Next I use alcohol to avoid infection. He groans in pain. I gently rub his shoulder. I apply healing medicine on his whole back and cover it up with a gauze. He gets up and puts his shirt back on. He looks at me gratefully.

"Thanks a million, Tris! You didn't have to do it." He says.

"No Tobias, it could've gotten infected and made it worse." I say. "You can remove in a week."

"Okay, gotta go. Thanks a lot!" He says and kisses my cheek and leaves.


I keep thinking of Tobias shirtless. Especially his abs. He was hot! That image in my mind ignites something in me. I can't push it down.

F-Are you free?

T-Yeah, why?

F-My parents are out on a date and I'm bored to death. Can you come? Pleeeeease!

T-Of course. Be there in 5.

Oh no! What am I gonna do? What if this feeling makes me do something wrong? Hmm, maybe it won't be so bad. So I grab my phone and go down.

"Mom! Dad! I'm going over to the Eatons'. I'll be back for dinner." I say.

"Okay!" Both of them shout from the kitchen. Cooking together? Wow.

I walk over to his house and knock.Tobias opens the door and what I see ignites the feeling in me more. He's only wearing a singlet and it's kinda tight. I force it down and smile at him. He pulls me inside and closes the door. He pulls me into his arms and I feel as if my whole body is on fire.

"Thank god you came! Or else I would've died of boredom!" He says and I let out a small chuckle.

He picks me up bridal style and goes up to his bedroom. His bedroom?! This is getting worse! He puts me on the bed and sits next to me. We say nothing and just look at each other.I lean in and kiss him. He grabs my waist and pushes me against the headboard of the bed. I run my fingers through his hair. His hand slips under my shirt and the burning feeling is at it's highest now. I touch his chest over the singlet move down to the hem of his singlet. He pulls it from out under my hand and I'm touching his warm and bare skin. It makes me realize what this feeling is. Desire. Desire for him. I kiss him even harder and I'm sure I'm controlling myself from getting aggressive. He pulls away and smiles at me.

"I think we should take it slow. But that was first make out we ever had! Even though it was pretty short." He says. I almost groan but I know he's right."But I still wanna continue that. But we won't remove clothes." He continues to kiss me. I'm fighting with myself not to take off his singlet. In the ordeal, I accidentally grab his back. He pulls away and yelps in pain. I hurt him. I hurt him. He grabs his back and stands up and rushes into the bathroom. Tears prick my eyes and fall down my cheeks. How could I have done that? I just saw him shirtless and now I'm making a big fuss out of it with myself. I fixed him up and I hurt him myself. How could I? I bathroom door open and I quickly wipe my face. He smiles at me.

"Um, sorry." I say.

"It's nothing. Though it hurts like hell. I think it's bleeding or something and I just changed the gauze. Though it hurts. Girl, you've a strong grip. It should be fine." He says. That's it. I'm going home.

"Um, I think my parents'd be looking for me. I'd better go." I say.

"Alright, mine should be returning soon. See you tomorrow." He says.

I run to my house, up the stairs to my room and shut the door. I start to cry. What am I gonna do? I feel as if Peter should've beaten me up and killed me there. I feel as if what he said about me not being good enough for him is true. What if Tobias doesn't feel the same? I don't have anything to give him. Oh, I don't. I think this relationship isn't going to last. Maybe what I said to the 2 of them isn't true at all. Except for my dad and his friends part. Why does he even like me? I don't know.

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