Chapter 13

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Tris POV (Fourtris picture above, not mine. I luv it!! =D)

I'm still in shock over what happened. That was literally the cutest thing ever!!I didn't know Four was such a romantic person. I didn't see him after that 'best thing ever!' took place. And unfortunately, I'm gonna have to deal with Christina today. She's a good friend but she fusses over this sort of things. I don't know what she has in store for me. I'm halfway done with getting ready for school when someone knocks on my door.

"I'm coming!" I shout as I rush down the stairs. I open it to see the most dazzling sight ever. Four. How did he know where I live?

"I live right next to you, silly!" He says, smiling. Oops, I must've said that out loud. And I totally forgot about me being neighbors with him.

"Right, I forgot. You wanna ride with me?" I ask.

"That's what I came here for." He says, pointing to my Lamborgini.

"Right, oh! where are my manners? Come in, Four!" I say, gesturing to him. He takes one look at my house and his jaw is on the floor. (Not literally! He he!)

"Oh my god! Tris!" He shouts.

"What?" I ask.

", ugh! I don't even know how to describe this house! It's beautiful!" Then he looks at me and says."Not as beautiful as you of course!"

"Whatever. Come on inside!" I say. He plops down on my couch, still looking around. He looks cute! I finish getting ready and go downstairs.

"Come on, let's go. It's time for school." I say, tugging his arm.

"I wanna drive again!" He says, giving me a puppy dog face. Oh, it's so cute! How can I resist that face?!

"Sure." I say. We get in the car and he starts driving.

"You're so lucky, you know that?" He says, out of the blue.

"Mmmhmm." I reply. "My mom's a fashion designer and my dad, he's a world famous lawyer. So that explains it all."

"Wait, who are your parents?" He asks.

"Andrew and Natalie Prior." I say.

"Andrew Prior, the world famous lawyer, is your dad?!" He asks.

"Duh, that's what I just said. What's so shocking?" I ask.

"I've always admired him! In fact, one day, I wanna be a lawyer! Just like him!" He says."I've been studying things about law my whole life!"

I knew my dad was famous, but not this famous.

"But I never knew he had such a beautiful daughter!" He says. I blush.

"My dream is too become famous, just like my dad. But I want to be a singer , not a lawyer. Don't get me wrong, I've no interest in Law." I say. He nods.

"People have their own interests. You work towards what you want, girl!" He says."Besides, you have a great voice! You light me up inside, like the 4th of July..remember?"

"Yeah, I remember." I say.

We arrive at school.

"I'm riding back with you today. How about this? One day, we ride in your cool car and the next day, we ride in my motorcycle." He says.

"Sounds cool." I say.

"Oh, I almost forgot." He says and leans in and kisses me. When he pulls away, I smile at him. We head off to Math.

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