Chapter 25

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Tris POV

I'm sitting in one of the benches in the park behind the school as tears flow freely down my cheeks. It's 8 pm. The coolness of the night time wind comforts me but not enough to wipe away my sorrow. I can't believe she got chosen to be prom queen. I mean, it's not because I wanted that position or anything but she gets to spend the whole prom with Tobias. It's not fair!! But it's not like he wanted to be with her. I sound as if I'm blaming him. It's not his fault. God knows what she's doing with him right now. I dressed up like this just for him and now I feel useless. I have absolutely no one to impress. I start walking back to school with tears streaming down my still. I don't have to worry about my make up because I used waterproof products. So I'll still look like I was before I came here. I enter the stadium to see Tobias and Lauren, standing on the stage with Lauren grinning evilly at me. She turns away to attend to her 'fans'. 

"I'm so sorry, Tris!!!" I hear a voice behind me. Zeke and Shauna. Zeke was the one who spoke. When they take a look at my face, which is tear-stained and more tears flowing down, both of them pull me into a hug. 

"Wait, I'll be right back!!!" Zeke says. I notice that Tobias's eyes are searching through the crowd desperately. Zeke goes up to him and says something in his ear. He averts his eyes to my direction and his eyes widen and his jaw drops. But I can't stop the tears from coming when Lauren puts her hand on his shoulder. Tobias angrily brushes it off, much to her annoyance. I run off to where I came from.

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