Chapter 19

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Four POV

Where on earth is Tris? I'm getting worried. I haven't see her since Music. She didn't even come to lunch. Is she mad at me? What did I do? I don't know. I'm sitting in Literature now. Waiting for Ms Melissa to come in. She's taking longer than ever. Then, she comes in, with Tris trailing behind. Phew. But I see that she has a red handprint on her neck and some scratches on her face. As if someone beat her up. What happened?! She comes and sits next to me with a furious look on her face. The lesson starts and the whole time, I'm itching to ask her what happened. The lesson finally ends and Tris storms out of the classroom, not even bothering to look at me. I run out the classroom and see that she's gone. Well, I still have 10 minutes for the next class, Spanish. So I might as well go and look for her. I go to see if she's standing by her locker or something. True enough, she's standing there, taking some books out. She turns and looks at me. She sighs.

"Sorry for being like that earlier. " She says.

I pull her into my arms and run my fingers along her injuries. "What happened? How did you get hurt?" I ask. Then, Ms Melissa comes up to us. I pull away from Tris.

"Tris? I hope you are okay. You did great defending yourself back there from Peter, Lauren and Molly. This country needs just a few brave girls like you." She says to her.

"Ms Melissa, I'm sorry for interupting but what on her earth happened?" I ask, getting frustrated. She looks to Tris for permission. Tris nods.

"Well, it seems like Tris here was walking to the cafeteria for lunch when she was pulled into a corridor by Peter, Molly and Lauren. They tried to beat her up for an unknown reason. But they got a taste of their own medicine. Tris ended up doing what was intended to be done to her." She finishes. By the time, I'm fuming. How dare they do that to my girlfriend!!!!But I'm also proud of my Tris. She beat them up!

"Thank you, Ms Melissa." I say and she leaves. I pull Tris to me and pepper her face with kisses. She giggles when I do so.

"Are you alright?" I ask. She nods.

"I swear I'm going to give them a 2nd round for this. Don't try and stop me." I say. We head off to Spanish.

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