Chapter 16

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Four POV

I'm on my nerves right now. I cannot believe myself right now. When I told my parents, they freaked out too. They dressed me up to my best and we are anxiously waiting in the living room. The door bell rings. They're here!!! Marcus opens the door and tries not to gasp. Andrew is wearing a tux and Tris, she's beautiful! She's wearing the same dress she wore on the talent show. Her mother and some other boy who's looks about Tris's age is standing beside her. I can hardly contain my excitment!

"Oh, come on in, sir." Marcus says.

"Oh, forget 'sir', just call me Andrew."Andrew says.

"Have a seat." Evelyn gestures to the couch I'm standing beside. Andrew takes one look at me and turns to Tris. 'That's him' Tris mouths to her father. He eyes me up and down and smiles at me. I literally feel giddy! He mouths 'Handsome.' to Tris. What?! He thinks I'm good-looking?! Well, that's something good to begin with.

"Well, I'm Marcus Eaton and this is my wife, Evelyn Eaton." He says, gesturing to my mother, who's looking at Tris admiringly. I told them about Tris during the week. I'm glad she likes Tris."And that's my son, Tobias Eaton." He says, gesturing. Tris looks at me. Marcus is right, 'Four' would sound ridiculous here.

"Well, nice to meet you all. " Andrew smiles. "I'm Andrew Prior, this is my wife, Natalie Prior. And my children, Caleb and Beatrice Prior."

Beatrice? Who's Beatrice? Then I realize. Tris's full name is Beatrice Prior and the boy is her brother Caleb.

"I heard a lot about you from my daughter, Mr Eaton." Andrew says. I realize I haven't even said a word since his arrival. Come on, Tobias. Get it together.

"I like your daughter, Beatrice, a lot and I know our relationship has just begun but I'd love to have her by my side for life." I say, meaning every single word.

"Oh, you are so formal ! Losen up!" Andrew grins at me and I feel blood rush up to my cheeks.

"Oh Four! My dad is nothing like you think!" Tris says to me. He's so formal!

"So, you have a passion for Law? Huh?" He asks me.

"Yes, Andrew." I say. "I've been working for it ever since I was little."

"Can I take a look at your room? They say that you can find out the personality of someone by looking at their room." He says.

"Of course." I say. I hope it doesn't smell bad. I lead him up to my room. He goes into there and rummages through my bookshelves I have. All of them are law related books. I even have the books Andrew himself wrote.

"I see that you're very commited to Law. I like you very much. I think your good for my daughter. I'll also reserve a position for you at my Law college. Your dedication are one of those which must be rewarded." Andrew smiles at me. "I'll also reserve my daughter for you."

I feel like jumping up and down in joy. My life has gotten very much colorful.

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