Chapter 6

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Four POV

I can't believe I'm holding her hand right now. I feel ecstatic. I will say this once, I really, really like her. But does she like me? I desperately want to find out. I can never get tired of looking at that face. Those grayish blue orbs which never fail push me into a trance everytime I see them. That smooth forehead and her blushing cheeks, she's cute. And finally, her soft-looking lips, which I'm dying to kiss. Dying to. We head to the first period, Maths. Oh, it's terrible. We go sit at our usual seats and wait for our teacher to come in. My phone rings, signalling there's a message for me. I see that it's from Zeke.

Zeke-I know you like her.

Me-oh shut up, Zeke.

Zeke-Come on, man. You were seriously holding hands while walking with her into the class. And I saw the way you were looking at her.

Me-Whatever, stop texting me now.

With that, I receive no more messages. I turn and glare at Zeke. He smiles at me sheepishly. Then, the teacher comes in and starts lesson.


As math was the only period I had in common with Tris in the first block, I practically can't wait for lunch and 2nd block. I have every class in 2nd block. I want to get her number in lunch and if she wants, give her my number. The goddamned bell for lunch finally rings and I quickly gather all of my things and rush out the door.

"Woah there, Four. What's the rush?" Zeke asks, coming from next door.

"Nothing, I'm hungry." I lie.

"Yeah right, I believe you." Zeke says, sarcasm dripping out from every word.

"It's true." I say.

"Huh! I know it's not! You're eager to see Tris." He says."Come on, Four. You like her."

I sigh."Fine, I like her."

"Oh my god." He says."Go get your girl, Four."

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