Chapter 18

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Tris POV

1st block for Monday just ended and I'm headed to lunch. When I pass by a dark corridor, I'm suddenly pulled into it by 2 two hands. No one is here, what should I do? All I can see is that it's 3 people. A guy and 2 girls. 

"We should beat her up for taking Four away from me." A female voice says. Lauren. 

"Four is mine, not yours." Another female voice. Molly.

"Okay, girls! Stop fighting and do your job! I already did my job of dragging her in here!" The male voice says. Peter."Beat this loser up!" 

Oh, so they think they can beat me up, huh? Too bad, I may or may not have learned self-defense from my dad's friend, when I was little. Molly comes to kick my shins but I am fast. I grab her leg and twist it in an uncomfortable angle. She cries out in pain. I use her leg to pull her toward me. When she's close enough, I grab the back of her neck and slam onto the corridor wall, hard. Next, Lauren. She growls and lunges at me. I push her away. Peter tries to input into the fight but I keep pushing him away. I punch Lauren's jaw and she screams in pain and falls to the floor. Peter grabs my neck and pins me to the wall. 

"Four doesn't deserve anyone like you! He must have someone like my cousins, Molly or Lauren! Not you!" He says. He's so concentrated on strangling me that he isn't guarding his lower half. I kick him where it counts and lets go of me and groans, clutching his junk. I hear footsteps and see Ms Melissa approaching me. She touches my shoulder. 

"Tris? Are you alright? I thought I heard something in here. Oh my god! What happened in here?" She asks, looking at the 3 of them. I explain everything to her. 

"Ugh! These 3 troublemakers! I must report this to the principal! But don't worry I won't get you into trouble." She says. "Peter, get up!" He's only pretending to be unconcious. I didn't hit his head. His eyes shoot open and he scrambles up. I pick Lauren up and he takes Molly up. We drop them in the infirmary and go to the principal's office. Our principal, sits there in a chair behind a desk, looking at a computer screen. He looks up at and smiles. 

"May I help you?" He asks. 

I say exactly what I said to Ms Melissa. 

"Peter, I thought I told you not to cause anymore trouble. But you have gone too far this time. Trying to exert violence onto another student. But looks like you got a taste of your own medicine." He says, smirking."This is it. You're expelled from this school. As for the other 2, I'll deal with them when they wake up. Peter stay back. Tris you may leave. What's your next period?"

"AP Literature with Ms Melissa." I say. Ms Melissa smiles at me. 

"Lunch is over. I know you didn't get to eat. I can give a few minutes if you want." She says.

"That won't be necessary. I'm not hungry." I say. 

"Then let's go." She says. This is the first time I'm walking to a class with a teacher. Oh! my friends will  be worried about me! I gotta go! Quick!

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