Chapter 23

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 Tris POV

Skip to the day before prom

It's prom tomorrow and I have to plan out everything for it. Luckily, I don't have to go shopping because I have tons of dresses that I haven't worn yet. And they're all eligible for prom. I'm only spoilt for choice because I don't know what to choose. School just ended really early because of the prom tomorrow. I don't know why they'd wanna end school early because of that. Then, my phone beeps, indicating there's a text message for me. I open it, expecting to see Tobias or any of my friends or something but this is an unknown number. Who's this?

Unknown-Hey Tris! Guess what? 

Me-What? And who're you??


Me-Well, I have no clue who you are!!!

Unknown-Let me tell you something!! I'm a girl just like you and I like Four. 

Me-Right, is it Lauren or Molly? 

Unknown-It's me, Lauren! And don't be excited for prom tomorrow!!

Me-Why shouldn't I be and how the hell did you get my number??

Lauren-It doesn't matter, honey!!

Me-Don't 'honey' me!!!

Lauren-I'll make sure I'll make prom hell for you!!! I'll keep Four away from you the whole time!!

Me-Huh!! Don't try me, slut!!!

Lauren-Whatever!!! Bye, dumbass!!!

Ugh!! How dare she call me that!!! That freaking slut!!! I'll make sure to beat her wits out of her tomorrow if she tries anything. 

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