Chapter 20

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Tobias POV

I was fuming throughout the whole of 2nd block. At Peter, Molly and Lauren. But then I failed to protect Tris from all of that. What if she didn't know how to defend herself? What would've happened then? I shudder at that thought. But then, why did they do it? What happened to them? I have to ask Tris. I'm driving my bike with Tris behind me. I have to concentrate so I can't talk. When we finally arrive at her house, I decide to ask her.

"Tris, why did they do that to you?" I ask.

"Well, all of them seemed to think that I wasn't good enough for you. So they wanted to warn me. But I let them know who they messing with." She says. That is stupid. I always have girls chasing me around but Lauren and Molly were the most annoying of them. But why Peter?

"Even Peter?" I ask.

"Yeah, seriously, they were his cousins." She says. Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

"What happened to them, Tris?" I ask.

"Well, I don't know about the girls but Peter got expelled." She says. Great!

"I hope they get expelled too. They're such a pain in my butt." I say.

"Well, that's less likely because they're girls. They might get suspended for sometime. But I hope they get expelled too." She says. My hope withers a little.


The morning I wake up to my mum shaking me awake.

"Tobias, hun, get up. You have school." She says, smiling warmly at me. I get up and smile back. Honestly, things have changed around here. I don't know why or how but it's really good. I like it. My dark days have been changed to colourful ones.

"Mom, why did Marcus change?" I ask.

"Once he learned that I was dead, he said that he began to realize that he loved me. It wasn't obvious at first but as years went on, it began to grow stronger. Then I heard that just a few weeks ago that you were getting abused like that. And I couldn't forgive myself for leaving you. So I came back." She says.

"And once he saw you, he changed." I finish for her. She nods, looking distant. I turn towards my closet and take off my shirt. Evelyn gasps. Oh, she must've seen my back. I feel her fingers on my scars and hear her sobs.

"Tobias! He did this to you!" She exclaims. I nod.

"Don't worry. I'm alright." I say. "I'm gonna go shower."

I take a new set of clothes and pop into the shower.


I go down for breakfast. I smell bacon, my favourite.

"Hello Tobias." My dad greets.

"Hey."I say.

I quickly eat breakfast and go down to The Priors'. By the time I get there, Tris is waiting for me in her car.

"Took you long enough." She says, looking at me.

"Sorry, let's go." I say. When we arrive at the parking lot, she parks her car.

"We still have half an hour to spare and I need to use the restroom. I'll be back." I say and leave.

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