Chapter 9

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Oh my gosh! What a relief! I couldn't sit still for another one minute in class in 1st block. Now lunch is finally over and I get to see Four the whole of 2nd block. I head to AP Literature. Four smiles at me. I smile back. Ms Melissa comes in and starts lesson.


When lesson is almost over, she assigns us home/project work.

"Class, you have to write a poem about love in pairs. You can choose your own partners for this. You have the whole of next week to complete this." Ms Melissa says. Who am I going to do this with? I'd choose Christina if she was here. But she isn't in this class. She has absolutely no interest in Literature. But I'm really surprised with Four in this class. He doesn't seem like the type who likes Literature stuff. Four looks over at me.

"Would you be my partner, Tris?" He asks, rubbing the back of his neck, as if he thinks I'll say no. But I'm really surprised. Why does he choose me for everything? I thought he'd get some other guy or the lucky girl he likes. But thinking about it, he didn't specifically mention any girl's name. He just said he likes a girl. Could it be me? Absolutely not. But deep down inside, I can't help but hope it is.

"Uh, Tris? Are you there? It's okay, I'm not forcing you, if you have someone else..better , in mind." He looks hurt. For some reason, it hurts me too.

"Oh no, I'd love to be your partner." I say. He adorable ocean blue eyes light up. He gets so excited that he pulls me into his arms and kisses my cheek. He starts blabbering about how he can't believe I'm his partner. He then realises what he did and blushes. Oh, he so cute when he blushes! I'm sure my cheeks are red too. He quickly pulls away. I notice all the girls in the class are glaring at me. All the boys are looking at Four with envy burning bright in their eyes. Of course they're jealous of Four, he's the most perfect guy ever!

"We have to go to Spanish." I say to him. He gets up and takes my hand. I blush and we go to Spanish, hand-in-hand. Christina wriggles her eyebrows at me, looking at our entwined hands. I pull my hand away. He looks hurt again. So I put my hand on his shoulder. We go sit at our seats and Four puts arm across my shoulder and pulls me nearer to him. Ms Dabra comes in starts lesson.


Spanish was finally over. Now, my favorite class, PE!! Four and I enjoy that class very much. Coach Amar stands there. No one is here yet. We must be very early.

"Hello there, early birds-or should I say lovebirds?" He asks us, smiling. Four's cheeks redden. I feel blood rushing up to my cheeks as well. Then, everyone trickles in. A girl named Lauren stands really close to Four. I feel burning jealousy. Four moves away from her and moves closer to me at the same time. He puts an arm around me. This happens every single time I'm with him. It's so infuriating. She looks infuriated.

"Everyone, you're now going to do as many push ups you can in a minute!" Coach Amar yells. "Start now!"

Everyone except Four and me groans. We all fall to the floor. A minute passes by quickly. I managed to do 70 push ups.

"How many?" I ask Four.

"70" He tells me.

"Me too!" I say. We Hi-5 each other.

"The highest number happens to be 70. Which is Tris and Four. So they get to be my assistants for PE today." Amar says. This is gonna be really good.

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