Chapter 22

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Tobias POV

First block is finally over! I didn't get to see Tris for 2 periods. In music, she was helping Ms.Wu demonstrate things, so I didn't get to talk to her for 3 periods. When I reach the cafeteria, I see Tris already there...with URIAH!!!! Alone at our usual table! Jealousy rages through me. Tris and him laughing together like hell! I go up to them and clear my throat. Tris looks at me and smiles. I shoot a glare at Uriah before sitting down but neither of them saw that.

"So what are you talking about?" I ask. Uriah winks and smiles at Tris. Tris blushes and slaps his arm. The jealousy burns even more from the pit of stomach to my throat. "Guys?!" I say, exasperated.

"Oh, Four! We were just talking about Art project." Tris says.

"And what does it have to do with him?" I ask, slightly angry.

"Oh, we're partners. He's like the only person I know in that class. So yeah, we're working together. And we're supposed to draw something romantic but he's so dirty minded. "She says, looking at him. They're partners?! This is what I've always been afraid of. What if he takes my Tris away from me?

"Where are the others?" Uriah asks.

"They should be coming." I say and gobble up my lunch.

"Wow! Slow down there, Four!" Tris says.

"What? I'm hungry." I say.

"I can tell." She says and I chuckle.


I'm at home, doing nothing. Incredibly bored. So I decide to go check out what happening with Tris. I go down to her house and knock on the door. Mrs. Prior opens the door. She smiles at me. I smile back.

"Tris is upstairs, with her friend, um, I can't quite catch the name." She says and gestures for me to come in. She's with Christina? And Christina isn't very hard to remember. I go upstairs to find Tris in her room with Uriah. Uriah! URIAH! What is he doing here?! They have something like a paper and something drawn in it. Right, the Art project. But I can't push the jealousy down. Her house is so damn big and they could do the project anywhere else but her bedroom. Ugh!!! Uriah's eyes catch mine and he grins at me.

"Hey Four!" He shouts.

"Four?" Tris says and turns around with a quizzical look. She gasps when she sees me and smiles broadly. She runs to me and practically jumps on me and plants kisses all over my face. It makes me smile. "You're here!"

I kiss her lips. "Wow! Stop with the PDA guys!" Uriah says."Okay, we're done with this project. It's beautiful."

"Can I see?" I ask.

"Of course you can!" Tris says and shows me a drawn picture of two people . They look familiar. Then I realize, it's us. The girl is resting her head against the guy's jawline and both of them are looking at something distant. It's beautiful.

"This is very...beautiful, Tris! It's us!" I say.

Now it makes me think my jealousy was ridiculous. I have been silly all the time.


Uriah leaves and Tris and I just hang out for sometime at her house. Tris keeps looking at me weirdly. I can't comprehend it. I still feel stupid for getting so worked up over nothing.


The picture above is the one they drew. Stay Awesome and Keep Reading, Initiates!!! =D

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