Didnt expect this

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Lou drove around all day. We stopped at stores, the park, ice cream shoppe, and other places. 

With night falling, I got really anxious on where he was really taking us. 

" Now, can you finally tell us, where we are going ? " I pleaded. He shook his head, and I groaned.

His eyes were fixed on the road, plotting his plan. If he was doing that, I have no fucking clue. 

The car pulled up to the.......beach?

I sat there.

" Well, come on out. " he peeked back in.

I got out, and walked over to the backseat, unbuckling, and scooping up Ellie.

His hand took my free one, and guided me down the beach.

There was something familiar about this place. It had a certain ring to it.

But, it all made sense.

This was our first date location. 

Beautifully lit gazebo, with lights.

" Oh Lou. " I gasped. Louis said nothing and guided me into the structure.

We sat at the table, and I held Ellie. 

" Hello. I'm Harry. I'll be your waiter for the night. " Harry greeted, handing us menus.




" I think I know what I want. " I grinned at the menu. Lou gave me a wink and a smile.

Harry grabbed our menus, and my baby? Oh god.

" Your food will be out, momentarily. And we get to play with our niece. " His amused smile was contagious. I was about to say something, but he quickly walked away.

" So now we get to be alone. " I pulled my hair back.

" I hope they don't give her a heart attack. Lord knows. " Louis rolled his eyes.

And of course, queue Niall walking out with the food. A fake mustache, a chefs robe. 

" Wee Wee pee pee yeah yeah. " I cut him off as he handed our food out. 

He scoffed at me. 

" Puta. " he mumbled. 

" That's Spanish, rere. " I gawked.

We got down on the dinner, and chatted like we always did. But, it was just like last summer.

God I feel old.

Anyway, my favorite cake was sitting there. But there was no paper in my slice. 

" I took the liberty of not making you choke this time, and getting you this. " He pulled out a blue velvet box, opening it.

I gasped at the contents. 

A necklace, that was a gold mirror. Engraved with the words  

" Forever and always. " 

" Lou, I adore it. You really didn't need to. " My jaw hung down to the floor.

" But I did. I love you so much. You and Ellen. More than anything. You two are my world. " I couldn't even look at him, because I was sure I was gonna cry.

I got up and hugged him so tight, and kissed him. Then I looked over at the ocean, and looked at him again.

" Race you to the ocean. " I challenged, with one eyebrow raised.

" Oh game on. " I smirked evilly. We started running so fast, almost like hyenas.


The force of the water over took use deep, into the cool ocean. 

The bubbles of the splash was the only sound heard. 

Hands found mine, and we breached the surface. 

Our heavy breathing was intense, and we kissed again. More exotic.

Until I heard a baby's cry. 

" Oh my god. " I hurried out of the water,and started running to the house the boys were in. 

Louis' footsteps trailed behind me.

I rushed in.

" She won't stop crying? All I did was make faces at her. " Harry freaked out, and handed her to me. 

" Oh sweet thing. You probably frightened her. Uncle Harry is scary, isn't he? " I rocked her. 

" Am not. " he pouted. 

" I heard he dated a 32 year old. Shh. " I whispered to her. 

" Hey! Don't tell her those things. That was a faze in my life. " he crossed his arms. I chuckled and looked behind him, to see Liam, Zayn, and Niall chillin on the couch with Paige, Perrie, and Darbi.

" Hey guys. " I greeted. 

" Hey SISTA. We were trying to get our Ellie to us, but Harry was all over her. " Darbi shot him a look.

" I like babies. " he shrugged.

" Like Lux. " Zayn gave out.

" And why are you guys soaking wet? " Paige gave us crazy eyes. We looked at each other, and I hand my damp baby back to Perrie.

" Ocean was tempting. " I shook my arms and legs out. Liam brought over towels and we sat on the floor. They were watching a program, about a Zombie Apocalypse.

The Walking Dead I think.

My phone rang and I walked out to answer it.

" Hello? " I sang. 

" She does have a great voice." Someone said. 

" Oh um, hello. I'm Mr. Inka. From Florence Records. " the man greeted me. 

" Hi. " I questioned his authority. 

" Well, we were over looking your performance on New Years Eve. Your amazing. I was wondering, if you would like to record a track here. " He proposed to me.

I took a moment to think. 

" Yeah, I would love to do that. What song? " I asked. 

" We were thinking, an original. If you don't have any, then we will be glad to help you. Maybe you could get a single out. " he explained. I got all excited. 

" A single? Really!? Oh my, Ill start writing! But what day and time, I have a child. " But my heart stopped at the thought of care for Ellen. 

" Anytime you can next week. Looking forward to seeing you Miss. Rae. " he concluded. 

" Yes, thank you! " I clapped, and ran back inside.

" What was that about? " Louis shivered.

" Im getting a single out. " My grin was from wall to wall.

" Like, on the radio!? " Perrie gasped. 

I nodded. 

They went crazy .

Just For Now. ( Sequel to Honeymoon Avenue )Where stories live. Discover now