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chapter dix-sept.


Theo's head felt like it was split in two when she finally opened her eyes, expecting to see Lottie in front of her, holding her own head, imagining that she somehow managed to headbutt her despite the height difference between them. Instead, she hovering over top of her, but so were Alex, Taissa, and Laura Lee; it was such an odd grouping of Yellowjackets that she half thought that she was dreaming, but the clearer her vision became, the more she saw the expressions of concern on their faces.

" Are you okay, Theo? " Laura Lee asked, crouching down beside her and carefully grabbing her arm as Alex sighed loudly.

" She fucking passed out, Laura Lee, do you think she's okay? "

" Alex. " Taissa snapped, shooting her a sharp look before she knelt at Theo's other side, helping the blonde pull her up, " Here, you should sit up. "

" I'm...I passed out? " Theo questioned as she came out of her daze, allowing them to help her sit up. Once she seemed steady enough, both Taissa and Laura Lee let go of her and backed away to give her some space. The dark haired girl groaned and rubbed at her face, feeling the buzzing in her head, " Okay, yeah, I definitely passed out. "

" I told them it was probably because you haven't eaten much. You're one of the smallest here after Dana, your body is probably exhausted and starving. " Lottie explained briefly, though there was a flighty look in her eyes that told Theo she was lying straight through her teeth.

" Yeah, I guess I've been skimping out on rations lately. " Theo lamely agreed, nodding as if it would be more convincing to the other three. Taissa seemed unconvinced regardless, but she said nothing about it and just made a sound of acknowledgment.

" Eat double tonight then. Can't have you blacking out on us, drama Queen. "

Theo exhaled a sort of laugh as she walked away, Laura Lee shortly following after her to return to her laundry. Alex was the one that lingered a bit longer, looking between Lottie and Theo for a moment, like she was trying to figure something out. She didn't say anything in objection either, and as she moved between the two girls, she just sat her hand on top of Theo's head in passing before she left them alone again.

Lottie waited until she heard the door close to crouch down in front of Theo, eyes searching over her face for a second before admitting, " You fainted when we..uh, when we kissed. I figured telling them that would be a lot to explain, and while there's no psych ward out here, I'm sure they'd make one for us if we told them. "

" About the visions or about us kissing? " Theo clarified, and Lottie's expression of concern shifted into halfhearted amusement.

" Both. " She stated humorously, draping her arms over her knees as she continued to size up Theo to make sure she was alright. " Do you feel okay? Did you have another vision? "

" My head is pounding, but I didn't have any visions or anything, " She answered with a small shake of her head as she clasped a hand to it. Theo tried to recall a bit harder, but she couldn't remember anything after her lips touched Lottie's. She dug her teeth into her lip and dropped her head, covering it with her hands with a groan, " Oh, my god, that's so fucking embarrassing. "

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