cinquante et un.

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chapter cinquante et un.
chapter fifty one.



         Tara was sure her handwriting was rough to read on the police report, but she didn't really care. Her hand was shaking anyways, her anger boiling over at the fact that Natalie and Misty had broken into her house, and if the officers really needed clarification, she'd be more than willing to give it to them verbally.

        " Hey, Tara, you, uh.." Alex trailed off as she sat down beside the blonde in the police station, leaning closer to see the police report she was filling out. The dark haired woman wore a bit of distress, unsure if she wanted to even suggest her thoughts given how shaken up Tara appeared to be, but she still did anyways, " Do you think we should maybe..get Misty and Nat's help? With finding Travis. "

       " Why would we need them? " Tara asked after a beat of silence, like she was trying to make sure she had actually heard Alex ask that.

        " More eyes are better, they..well, Misty is a fucking weirdo, but she somehow got her hand on you and Travis's files, she might be useful. " Alex insisted, shrugging lightly as she clasped her hands together, " Then you can kick 'em to the curb as soon as we find Travis. "

        Tara finally met her gaze with an annoyed one of her own, " I don't want their help. "

        " Trust me, it'll never be my first option to ask Quigley to do anything, but.." Alex tried to soften the truth as she touched Tara's knee, " It's been three days, Tara. I think we need the help. "

        The blonde stared back at her, then turned to look over at Tommy, who sat near the receptionist's desk, Anja passed out comfortably on one of the chairs beside him. Tara huffed quietly, frustrated that she agreed with Alex's point, then she stood up.

        She walked over to Tommy, where she could just barely see the corridor that held the cell Natalie and Misty. Tara didn't bother sparing too much attention in their direction as Tommy rose to his feet upon seeing her, gently grasping her arm as he asked, " Hey, you alright? You were pretty shook up there. "

        " I'm okay, I.." She let out a sigh, looking up at Tommy reluctantly, handing him the unfinished police report, " I actually want to drop the charges. "

        " What? Why? " He questioned, surprise evident in his few words as he took the report from her nonetheless. Tommy glanced down the hall before he looked back to Tara, " Are you sure, T? "

        " Unfortunately, yes. I need their help to find Travis. " She insisted, to which made Tommy's eyes grow even wider.

        " How are they gonna help you find him? They haven't seen Travis in years— "

        " Yet they could find our house, and they know where he works. Don't ask me, Tommy, they're fucking crazy. " Tara shook her head, knowing how ridiculous it sounded, but he seemed to accept it.

         However, he also had heard of countless nightmares that Tara had that involved Natalie to some capacity, so he wasn't too enthusiastic to leave her with her, " Why not just file a missing person report, then we can send out a search team. "

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