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chapter vingt-six.
chapter twenty six.


" What did you want to talk about, Theo? " Coach Scott asked as he gently closed the door behind him, adjusting his crutches so he could look at her. Concern was already etched onto his face, whether it was all for her or partially for what had just occurred, Theo wasn't sure. Before she could open her mouth, though, he answered her indecision, " Wait, sorry, I just...did that stuff actually happen last night? An orgy? "

           " I..yes, I think so. I wasn't there when that happened, but I know that they did almost kill Travis, and they..they kept calling him a stag. " Theo exhaled a puff through her mouth, putting her hands on her head as she turned around the room, looking at him desperately, " Like that doesn't happen because you're high, right? My dad's always drunk anymore and he might act crazy, but not like that. "

           " No, I..I don't think so. " Coach Scott confirmed, but that meant that something worse had happened last night; the girls had done all of that on their own accord.

          Theo couldn't tell him about her visions, or what really happened with the beat; she could already tell he was a bit on edge about it. She didn't even know how she would explain it to him, at least not right now. Maybe if she figured it out first, then she could enlist in his help to..stop it? She didn't know that either, wasn't even sure if there was a way to. The last thing she wanted, though, was to be seen as a 'voice' for the Wilderness like Lottie had become.

           " I know a lot has happened, but this..I don't know, Coach, " Theo couldn't put her concerns to words, which she knew probably made her sound incredibly incoherent and like she was insane, but she had to share this feeling with him before it was too late. If anything, it was a warning for him. " Last night was scary, and I don't know that it'll go as well as it did if it happens again. "

          Coach Scott looked between her light eyes, thick brows furrowed as he analyzed her face. Eventually, though, he simply nodded, " Yeah. Let's hope it doesn't get to that again. "

         She didn't think he quite understood the magnitude of what she was saying, but nothing she could say now would change that. He would just have to witness it. Theo pressed her lips together and gave him a small nod back, a weak smile of agreement on her face.


       " What do you want? " Shauna sharply asked as Alex finished climbing the stairs into the attic, the latter letting out a quiet scoff.

       " I know you and I weren't that close before we ended up out here, but you should know that it is honestly insane that I haven't gotten violent out here yet. " She said, pushing the door close with her foot as she crossed her arms and tilted her head at Shauna. Alex blew a puff of air out, knowing that unfortunately she had to keep being the bigger person, for the sake of Jackie in this instance.

          " You need to talk to Jackie. That fight was bullshit and you know it. It might've felt good to get that shit off your chest, but that was fucked up, Shipman. "

          " She started it— "

         " Oh, my god, " Alex chuckled but there was no humor in her voice as she shook her head and held her palms up, " you are such a child, Shauna. She started for a good reason, so we really need to get into this again? Because I watched all of you go batshit and try to both assault and murder Travis without so much as blinking. "

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