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chapter two.


" It seems like you don't even care. " Taissa insisted, slender arms crossed, and the bleached blonde that she was speaking to gave her an incredulous expression.

    " Are you kidding me? " Natalie questioned, staring right back at her, " You're being insensitive, Tai. "

    Natalie and Taissa stood in a small circle just outside of the soccer fields, along with Lottie and Alex, Tara and Sam not far by on a bench. They'd been discussing the same issue for what felt like an endless twenty minutes, at least to Alex. It was clear that neither Taissa or Natalie were going to back down from what they thought, and Alex didn't really know why half the team needed to know about the idea anyways, so she found the fact that this conversation was even still going to be pointless.

    " This is what we've worked for all season, do you really want to take that chance? " Taissa asked as if the answer was obvious, but Natalie scoffed and shook her head.

   " Yeah, 'cause I'm not a fucking asshole— "

   " Oh, my god. " Alex cut her off, raising her hands near her head and shaking them a little to show her growing frustration; she looked between the two arguing and simply said, " Guess what, if Nat doesn't want a part in it, then so be it. We don't need a damn army to make sure Allie doesn't get the ball. If everyone would just play like they should, she won't even get off the bench. "

   " Not all of us can run for an entire game straight, sorry we need breaks for our lungs. " Tara muttered, but it was still loud enough to be heard, so Alex turned and looked at her with an annoyed expression.

   " Then get a fucking inhaler like the JV girl and keep it in your pocket. There, no Allie sub. Problem solved. " Alex let her hands fall to her thighs with a soft smack just as Shauna joined them with a wrinkle between her brows.

    " What are you guys talking about? " Her question left them all quiet for a split second before Lottie sighed inwardly and lowered her hand from her neck.

    " Allie. "

     " What about her? " The doe-eyed brunette asked, casting a short glance in the freshman's direction where she stood, chatting it up with a few of the baseball players.

    " Did you black out at states? She totally choked. " Taissa reminded her, and Sam then raised her pen from her book.

    " She gave up a third of the team's possession losses. " She corrected, or specified, either way, Taissa nodded towards her as if to say 'see?'.

    " She's a freshman, Tai. " Natalie pressed again.

    " She's a liability. " The taller girl replied slowly, glaring down at the blonde as Shauna piped in again.

    " So what do you want to do about it? "

    Tara and Alex were actually surprised Shauna had asked that, sounding as though she was at least considering the idea, but Taissa, straight faced, turned towards her to say, " She can't screw up if she doesn't get the ball. "

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