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chapter trente-deux.
chapter thirty two.



Rock music blared through a pair of speakers that sat on the tile ground as a short haired tattoo artist was finishing up her latest piece on her apprentice's calf. Alex pressed her tongue against her cheek in concentration as she dragged the needle along her skin, putting the final touches on the drawing. When she felt like it was finished, Alex sat up and turned the tattoo gun off, the buzzing ceasing as she examined the seraphim on the apprentice's leg.

" How does it look? " Reagan called, sitting up on her elbows and looking over her shoulder despite not being able to see an inch of the tattoo. Alex tore off a paper towel and wiped the area before smearing Vaseline across her dark skin before she sat back up and clapped her hands together.

" Fucking sick, sit up and look for yourself. " She replied with a grin, turning to clean up the tray as Reagan flipped over and got up. The younger woman took a few steps towards the floor length mirror and observed the fresh tattoo, a toothy smile appearing on her face.

         " It's so dope. " Reagan agreed, moving to sit back down on the chair and crossing her ankle across her knee so she could look at it closer, pushing her colored braids back from her face. Awestruck, the girl lifted her head to give Alex a smile of appreciation, " Thanks, Alex, I love it. "

        " No problem. " She shook her head and peeled her gloves off, tossing them into the trash and running a hand through her hair. She opened her mouth to tell Reagan to wrap her leg, just as the door chimed and someone else walked inside sPlatt Ink.

        " Hey, I'll be with you in just a sec. " Alex announced, peering over to see a woman with short, wavy hair standing at the check in desk with a wandering eye, already far too curious than Alex was comfortable with. The woman met her gaze long enough to give her a reassuring nod before she went to sit in one of the velvet chairs near the front of the shop. Alex pursed her lips and held her hand out to gesture to Reagan to go into the back of the shop.

The girl quickly got the hint and finished wrapping her leg and nodded, heading to the back of the shop to leave Alex with her new client. The tattoo artist walked up to the desk, raising a brow as she watched the woman type ferociously away on her phone.

" Sorry about that. How can I help you today? " Alex interrupted, hoping to catch her off guard, but the woman simply slid her phone into her pocket and rose back to her feet with a welcoming smile.

" I just wanted to talk, actually, Ms. Platt. " She insisted, and just the manner of which she said her name made Alex instantly feel queasiness loom over her. The woman extended a hand out to her, introducing herself, " My name is Jessica Roberts, I'm a journalist who's— "

      " Sorry, no, " Alex cut her off quickly, raising a hand as she casted a glance back towards the back door, making sure Reagan wasn't coming back out before she turned back to the woman. She feigned a sympathetic expression as she said, " I don't deal with journalists, or reporters, or whatever else you'd call yourself. If you're not interested in a tattoo, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. "

       " I understand, but I'm not looking to interrogate you. " Alex made a face at that, raising her brows skeptically, but Jessica pressed on anyways, " I was hoping to discuss your relationship with Taissa Turner. "

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