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chapter vingt-huit.
chapter twenty eight.


              " Hey, got room for one more? " Theo didn't have to look up to recognize Alex's voice, but figured she should to acknowledge her question, though she was sure Alex would've came over regardless of her response.

             Alex was, for lack of more graceful words, getting pissed off with everyone at the cabin. Lottie's ability to just blow off whatever was wrong with Theo was pissing her off, their attitude about Shauna as a whole, even Crystal's— and now Misty's —incessant singing, it was all starting to drive her crazy, and since no one else was willing to come find Theo, she decided to kill two birds with one stone. As she approached the pale girl, she realized she was wearing Lottie's hoodie, the shade of pink distressed now from use and the sun bleaching it, and Alex couldn't help but internally roll her eyes.

            " It's getting late, don't you think you should head in for the night? " Alex suggested gently, and Theo rolled her head to look up at her as the taller girl stood near her then.

           " Didn't you just ask to join me? " She pointed out, and a small smile split onto Alex's face.

           " I was just being polite, Prince. " She insisted, but sat down on the snowy shore anyways. There wasn't much to look at now that the lake had frozen over for the winter, it was just trees, covered and hidden by piles of snow. You really could barely make out the cabin from where they sat now because of it, the sheet of white painting a nearly blank canvas as the setting sun peeled through the rips.

          Alex's knee nudged Theo's, though it didn't seem intentional as the tan girl's face appeared deep in thought as she stared out at the horizon. Theo pressed her lips into a thin line, anticipating the conversation that would eventually follow. For two months she'd been able to avoid this kind of conversation with Alex, and maybe that had been wrong of her given she was likely one of the last true friends Alex had after Jackie's death, but Theo thought she was doing it for her benefit. What good would it do Alex if Theo told her she had practically seen and felt Jackie die that night? That she potentially could've stopped it? Nothing, it would just hurt her more.

          " You're starting to scare me, Theo. " Alex finally said after what felt like a painstakingly long silence. Theo could hear it in her voice too, she was scared; not of Theo, but for her, maybe? Still, without elaboration, her head would swarm to places that she shouldn't.

         Theo lowered her chin to her knees and wrapped her arms around her legs as she quietly asked, " Why? "

         Alex wasn't sure how to answer. She wasn't worrying her because of her visions, or whatever she was calling it, or even her conversations with Lottie, but rather Alex was afraid of what Theo was doing when she was out here alone, when there was no one to look out for her. If this..Wilderness was actually inflicting visions on her, Alex couldn't imagine what lengths it would go to to get what it wanted out of her.

          Unable to put it to proper words, Alex replied by reminding her, " You promised me, Prince. "

          Theo was a little perplexed by her response, but she confirmed, " Yeah, I promised you I wouldn't let them change me. " A beat passed before she added, " I know you meant Lottie, but she's just trying to help, in her own way. It might not make sense to you, but..I know she is. It's the same as what you're doing right now. "

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