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chapter quarante-quatre.
chapter forty four.




           The door creaked open though it was opened none too gently, and the rest of them, even the ones seated in their prayer circle, turned to see Shauna finally coming in for the night. She barely spared them a look before she closed the door behind her and began to walk to the kitchen as the circle disbanded without a word. Alex's eyes trailed Shauna, forehead wrinkled in concern, though something else drew her attention away.

            Misty began humming. It was quiet enough that it didn't really bother Alex, but Shauna seemed to recognize it. As the blonde walked behind Melissa to pick up one of the several lit candles across the cabin, Shauna turned around slowly and questioned her, " Why are you singing that? "

            The accused girl looked confused, her lips remained in a purse, and she didn't have a chance to even think of her answer before she flinched at Shauna demanding, " Where did you hear that song? "

           No one in the room was going to help save Misty from responding, though they all stared between the two girls, glancing back and forth in anticipation as if watching a tennis match.

          Misty eventually shrugged, lamely saying, " I don't know, I.. I think that Crystal was singing it. "

         Shauna took two steps towards her before she swung her fist into Misty's already healing-bruise. The group all seemed to jump to their feet at once, though only a few of them moved into action; Van and Akilah were quick to grab Shauna's arms with little time to react, restraining her from delivering another blow to Misty as Taissa rushed to her side to help her stand back up.

        " You killed my fucking baby! " Shauna screamed at her, teeth bared and an anger burning behind her eyes, one that words couldn't quite express, though it was felt within every inch of the cabin, spreading quickly like wildfire.

        " Shauna, stop! Misty did everything she could! " Natalie insisted, standing in front of the other blonde with a frown.

       " No, shut up! You all fucking ate my baby! " Shauna screeched again, her eyes wild as she thrashed in Van and Akilah's grasp. " I saw you! You were covered in blood! "

        " Shauna, stop it! " Taissa shouted back, a desperate look on her face as she stared at her friend in horror, " You're acting insane. "

        " Ow, god, she fucking bit me! " Van exclaimed after a pained yelp, tugging her arm back and releasing Shauna consequently.

       Alex spared a glance towards Misty, her cradling her face and trying to back away from the situation the best she could as she became a target for anger yet again (though, Alex was willing to admit that this time, it wasn't justified). The short haired girl nearly reached out to grab Shauna's arm, even though it was held by Van already, but she was stopped by a hand grazing her own back. The person passed behind her, and all Alex could see was Theo's face as she stood on the other side of Shauna, Van, and Akilah.

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