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chapter three.


" You look like a puppy with its tail between its legs, Dane. " Tommy remarked with a quiet laugh as he looked over his red solo cup down at his girlfriend. He followed her cautious gaze to Van, Taissa, Alex, and Laura Lee all chatting near one of the kegs. The tall baseball player gently bumped her shoulder with his elbow and lowered his cup after swallowing down the sting of the alcohol, " Aren't you supposed to be one of them now? You better go bond before that flight tomorrow, it'll be an awkward however-many-hours. "

" I don't know if I want to be one of them after what happened to Allie. " Dana pointed out and shoved him back, but he barely moved. She turned and sat her own cup on the top of Tommy's truck, looking up at him with her head tilted as she insisted, " What are you gonna do without me for a week, Tommy Snell? "

" Hm, not sure. Die, probably. "

" Shut up. " She rolled her eyes and hit his chest despite the freckled smile on her face. Dana took his cup from his hand and downed the rest of the drink before sitting it next to hers. She raised one of her arms to sit around his neck, her fingers drawling up the side of his jaw as she leaned up on her toes to reach his face to kiss him. She was still about an inch or two too short without him crouching to accommodate, so her kiss landed on his chin instead, which they both chuckled at.

" So, that's a 'no' to bonding with the girls? " He asked rhetorically, bending his neck to reach her to repeat the kiss more successfully, though he pulled away rather quick to hear her response.

" I have a however-many-hours long flight with them to bond. " Dana declared, sitting her other hand on the side of his face and pulling him back down, feeling him smile into the kiss.

A little ways down the grassy backyard that was really far too big for a three person family, Theo pocketed her car keys and stuffed her hands into her jacket, scanning the scenes before her. It took less than two seconds for her to see Randy Walsh, Jeff Sadecki, and a few other boys they hung out with slurping straight from the keg and only a second after that for her to decide she had made the mistake of showing up. She decided she wasn't going anywhere near that, especially not after at least one of the boys had noticed her stare of distaste and made a rather suggestive expression at her.

Theo set her jaw and simply turned the other direction, glad he already looked too drunk to try and run after her to start a conversation of drunken slurring and annoying comments that she just couldn't handle at the moment. Unfortunately the other direction had yet another keg with people around it like moths to a flame, but this time it was Alex, along with Taissa and a few other Yellowjackets. She only really cared about those two since Alex was likely waiting for her to show up, and Taissa would be the reason she did not walk over there.

It wasn't that Theo didn't like Taissa, honestly she actually really admired how hardheaded she could be, and she rarely ever backed down from her stances. She was also the most ambitious person Theo knew, and while sometimes it made her a little unpleasant to work with, she did usually come out on top. And, when you were on a soccer team together, that was definitely nice.

But after what happened at practice, she really didn't want to be around either of them. It was clear that half the team knew something was going on and she had failed to be informed. They loved to make comments about how many practices she missed over the past few months since her mom's passing, but yet at the first opportunity they got, they left her out of what felt like a pretty goddamn important conversation.

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