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chapter vingt.


   Daylight was starting to break on the horizon when they finally managed to build a solid enough structure to burn Van's body. Amidst Taissa's wailing and weeping, Misty had checked for a pulse, but it was when the blonde looked up at the others and sombrely shook her head that Alex realized the true severity of the situation. Even though she couldn't tear her eyes away from the chunks of flesh ripped from Van's face, the blood and dirt smeared..everywhere, Alex tried her hardest to pretend like it would be okay, that Van was hurt, but she'd be okay.

The three foot long blood stain left on the grass she had laid on was a sharp slap in the face to that. Alex tilted her head up to the sky, squeezing her eyes shut to try and stop the tears that were welling from spilling, but it was useless. She crouched down by the stain, her back turned to the others as they carefully lifted Van on to the structure; they were planning on burning her, unable to carry her back to the gravesite at camp or leave her body behind. Alex didn't know if she could do that. She already anticipated the smell— how bad would a burning body smell? It would surely be the worst thing she'd ever encountered.

The images from the past few hours would be burned into her brain for the rest of her life, which might not be that much longer if they were all destined to end up like Van. Alex dropped her head and covered her face with the hand that was still smeared with her own blood and finally let out a sob. Being stranded in a plane crash and a third of the passengers dying was one thing, but seeing your childhood friend be practically torn to shreds by an animal was another. Alex couldn't help but think about how Van and the others had been questioning continuing this journey, and only hours later, this happened. She should've had her back and agreed with the bad feeling.

Maybe they weren't just paranoid. Maybe they were right—maybe Lottie was right. It doesn't want them to leave, not alive, at least.

" Alex..? " A voice called, and she suddenly straightened an inch, though she kept her hand over her face long enough for her to quiet her crying to small sniffles. Alex lifted her head, barely turning it over her shoulder as she pinched the remnants of her tears out of her eyes, looking at the dirty sneakers of whoever approached her.

It was Misty. And, for once, the utter sight of her didn't bother her. It didn't bring her comfort, but she didn't think much could at the moment.

" We're, uh..we're gonna light the fire now. If you want to join us. " Misty offered in a quiet voice, fidgeting with her hands as she stared at the back of Alex. She'd never seen Alex remotely sad or upset, and she had imagined that someone like her couldn't even cry if they tried to, but the wetness reflecting on her cheeks proved her wrong.

" Yeah, yeah, I'm..I'm coming. " Alex nodded, wiping at her face again before she rose to her feet. She took in a deep, shaky breath and turned around, looking at the shorter girl. In any other case, Alex would've threatened to ruin her life if she told anyone she saw her crying. Now, she couldn't care less.

She trudged past Misty to join the others as Akilah held a lit torch, a melancholic gloom on her face. Alex stood next to Taissa, wrapping her arm around the other girl's shoulder, pulling her into her side as Akilah lowered the torch, lighting the edge of the pyre. Taissa broke out into sobs as soon as her head touched Alex's, making her squeeze her arm. As each end of the pyre lit with orange flames, they shined on Van's body, showing the true and utter damage that had been done from the wolf attack. Alex could see the white of her jaw and teeth through her cheek, her freckles buried by blood, the sight sent a chill down her spine.

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