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chapter vingt-cinq.
twenty five.


As soon as Shauna sat the plate of meat on the table, everyone began grabbing handfuls of it to put on their own plates, not even waiting long enough to take a breath before they started to shove it down their throats. Tara didn't know how the rest of them were eating, she felt like she was going to throw up at any given minute, so she didn't move and just held her arms tight to her stomach.

" Shouldn't we wait for Natalie and Travis? " Shauna suggested, making Alex's face contort at the mention of their names so casually.

" Uh, you know what? I'm pretty sure they've got some stuff to sort out, so..they can eat when they get back. " Coach Scott interjected dismissively, which seemed to be enough for Shauna. The idea of them 'sorting stuff out' made Tara stare at the floor, though.

After everything that happened the night prior, Tara wasn't sure she wanted to remember it all, but she wasn't able to forget about what she and Travis did, and she had an inkling of hope that he would remember at least some of what she said. She wasn't an idiot, she knew he had feelings for Natalie, and maybe an encounter that happened while they were high and before the others tried to intoxicatingly slaughter Travis shouldn't count, but she felt like they'd been growing closer regardless. He had to know how she felt, she just hoped he wasn't an entire dick and just didn't care.

" Lottie, last night, you said we wouldn't be hungry much longer. " Van said, looking across the room at the tall brunette, her left eye still damaged with broken blood vessels that surrounded her pupil, " How did you know? "

" I just did. " Lottie dismissively answered, covering her mouth as she finished chewing another piece.

" Yeah, it's called getting lucky. " Jackie said from where she sat, behind the others at the table. She held her bowl in her hands but seemed to have no interest in eating. " The bear probably just smelled us and came looking for food. Probably had something wrong with it. I mean, you guys seriously think Theo was able to kill that thing? "

          Theo barely looked up at the mention of her name, having been still trying to pick the dried blood from under her nails before she could even think about eating.

" Honestly, at this point, I don't even think I care. " Mari insisted, trying to relieve some of the tension that they could all feel building rapidly within just a few minutes. " Can we just eat? "

" Wait. " Van stopped them, making the attention draw back to her. " Should we..maybe, say something? Like, like thanks, or grace, or.."

As she awkwardly trailed off, the others in the room either seemed uninterested or willing to oblige just to get back to eating.

" Yeah. " Taissa agreed reluctantly, but it was clear she was trying to be supportive for Van's sake, " Just make it quick, okay? "

" Lot? " Van called hopefully, and Lottie nodded hesitantly, straightening up a bit and holding her hands to either side of her.

" Let's join hands. "

The dramatic eye roll from Jackie did not go unnoticed by Theo, who, after last night and this morning, had absolutely no interest in saying thanks to whatever the hell was whistling in the trees. She stared down at her lap where her mostly untouched bowl was, so focused on it that she almost didn't realize Lottie was reaching out to grab her hand. Theo drew her hand back instantly before she could touch her, and only spared a quick glance at her before she sat her bowl down and held her hands under her legs.

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