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début part two.
the end of innocence.
1997 // 2021.
first winter // present day.



2021 character blurbs.

tara dean
M̶O̶T̶H̶E̶R̶ M̶A̶R̶Y̶.

       Tara Dean has not known peace since 1996, but you wouldn't know it by looking at her

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Tara Dean has not known peace since 1996, but you wouldn't know it by looking at her. After being rescued from the Wilderness, her parents had practically locked her up Rapunzel style, refusing to let her see the light of day. Or, so they thought. They hadn't let her have a second to explain, not like she would've said much given the pact the surviving Yellowjackets made to not speak a word of what happened in the eighteen months they were stranded in the Wilderness after witnessing what happened to Lottie when they were rescued.

Her parents made her get baptized again, hoping desperately that that would wipe any 'evil' that came back with her. Fortunately for them, the evil they were concerned with had to do with her relationship with Travis, not any of the barbaric things that had actually happened out there. She hated to break it to them that drowning her in Holy Water with a pastor preaching over top of her wasn't going to magically make her a virgin again, and it wasn't going to make her up and abandon Travis, as much as they would've loved that. They barred the Martinez boy from seeing her, but that didn't stop her from locking her door and leaving out the window to meet with him in the middle of the night.

Eventually, Tara's parents couldn't control her any longer. Her parents passed away in a car accident a few years later, leaving her alone, but she felt more relief than grief at the funeral. She eventually did end up getting to go to college, though it was a community college, which she was sure had her parents rolling in their graves, and she got a degree in Social Work. Tara reconciled a friendship in Tommy Snell after some time had passed, mostly in remembrance of her close relationship with Dana in the Wilderness, and later eloped with Travis. She had been by his side since the start of his struggle with addiction, whether it be visiting him in rehab, dragging him out of an alley, or calling Natalie from his phone to cuss her out. He'd finally gotten clean, and stayed clean, so they were able to start their family and feel normal. And that lasted a good four years.

theodora prince

          Theo was pretty sure she should've been put in a mental institute as soon as they loaded them into ambulances when they landed back in New Jersey

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Theo was pretty sure she should've been put in a mental institute as soon as they loaded them into ambulances when they landed back in New Jersey. She wanted—needed someone to burn the memories of what had happened out there, and if it needed to be done through sweating her out, or shocking her, then she was okay with that. But Alex's promise to not talk made the other girls put in the effort to keep her from following Lottie's path, and she thinks that might be the one thing she loathed Alex for, if she could even use that word.

It took years, but Theo had finally been taught how to lock those memories and feelings away into a dark place in her mind, never to see the light of day again. She hadn't spoken or seen most of the survivors for years, she kept minor contact with Taissa since she was the one mostly pushing for her to talk to a team of therapists, but she had been told that the others either didn't want to talk to her or weren't allowed. She didn't know what that meant, but her dependency on Lottie had dissipated with the drilling into her head and the fact that Lottie had disappeared as far as Theo knew.

There was still an issue, though. Theo might not have to relive every horrific moment of those eighteen months again, but that didn't stop new ones from happening. If she didn't have something in her ears— music, a conversation, mindless white noise —she would hear It. Sometimes it was a gravelly whisper and other times it came to her in Lottie's voice, and she wasn't sure what was worse. She also still saw things, though they were far less coherent than the visions she had in the Wilderness and they were more of an anxiety inducing nuisance than a warning or prediction. They didn't only happen when she touched Lottie, now, they happened whenever she touched anyone. Sometimes she could see what they were thinking (whether it was true or not was still up to debate), other times she would see their death (again, if it was real or not, debatable)

Somehow, one day a vision makes her black out, and she ends up on the front door of someone she hadn't spoken to in 25 years.

alexandra platt

 alexandra platt J̶U̶D̶A̶S̶

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Alex was advised to fall off the face of the planet, but she was hardheaded and didn't like being told what to do. She continued to live in Wiskayok, whether because of pettiness or an unwillingness to let go of the past, and went to therapy like the rest of them, but she never spoke to any of them after the initial first five years of their return. Well, she did speak to one of them, and the rest she ignored any attempts of reaching out as she would rather forget them entirely, and one she wished she could talk to, but couldn't if she wanted to keep her safe.

She later became a tattoo artist after desperately searching for a way to cover the past without entirely getting rid of it. She agreed to the stupid pact of not telling what happened out there, but it wasn't because she cared if the public knew, in fact she wanted them to know. However, she had to agree if she wanted to keep Theo from being sent to an asylum right alongside Lottie. Yet, even with that in mind, she was still the prime suspect for not only Travis' death, but blackmailing the other survivors for their secrets.


are y'all ready for this

so the blurbs are for their adult/present day selves but the aesthetics are a mixture of past & present, and then the 'titles' below their names are for the rest of the time in the wilderness hence why they're marked out.

(like I said in the previous part, just because Dana & Sam don't have aesthetic boards/blurbs for the present day doesn't necessarily mean they're dead..they might be! but they might also appear later on, you'll just have to wait and see)

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