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chapter douze.


When Alex and Jackie finally made it back to the cabin, a few others had come outside for breakfast. Alex opened her mouth to call out to them, but Jackie swore under her breath beside her and dropped the bucket to the ground and she bent over, putting her hands on her knees to catch her breath. Alex looked over at the others, seeing Van and Taissa share of look of annoyance before Shauna walked over.

       " Hey, need a hand? " She offered, and Alex wanted to point out that she was literally right there if Jackie needed it, but seeing as she seemed to be trying to help Jackie, Alex kept her mouth shut.

" No, it's okay, I got it, " Jackie sighed, wiping her hands off before she raised a brow at Shauna, " why are you so chipper? Don't you have a blood sacrifice between your legs like the rest of us? "

" Um, I'm late this month, " Shauna replied, and Alex sat her hands on her hips, pursing her lips at the response. She shook her head, " We were in a plane crash, it's probably just stress. "

" You and Nuñez both, huh? " She said, and while it didn't really have any ill intent behind it by her tone, Shauna glanced over at Alex defensively. The tan girl simply made a subtle face at that, pocketing the reaction for later.

" Well, lucky you're a virgin or we'd really have to worry. " Jackie commented, though it was quiet and meant just for Shauna, Alex still heard it. She also heard her additional remark, " Don't think we can say the same for Dana. "

       Shauna didn't even laugh, she just gave her an awkward smile. When Jackie bent over to pick the bucket back up, Alex met Shauna's eyes and gave her a look that she knew would make the other brunette at least a little antsy. She didn't really have a reason for it, but some petty part of her was just doing it because of how close Shauna and Jackie were.

      " Anyways, enjoy it while it lasts, I guess, " Jackie blew a piece of hair from her face and rolled her shoulder bag as she started to carry the bucket to the group, " this rag situation is a horror show. "

       Alex smiled after her and waited until Jackie was far away enough to not hear her, then turned to look at Shauna. Really, she grabbed her forearm and pulled her a few steps to the side, to which Shauna gave her a questionable look.

      " You and I both know that the others are getting aggravated with her, " Alex pointed out, releasing her arm shortly after to cross her own across her chest. " Honestly, I couldn't care less who does what as long as what needs to get done, gets done. But we don't know how they'll react if they get pushed into feeling like they're doing everything. I would talk to her, but you're her best friend, it would probably be best if you did it. "

       Shauna stared back at her for a moment, then shifted her gaze to Jackie, watching as she poured the water into the pot. She eventually nodded, mimicking Alex's stance before she said, " Yeah, I know. And I will. "

      Alex didn't think anything else needed to be said, so she simply nodded back and started to walk away. Shauna made a sound like she wanted to say something else, though, but when the other girl turned to look at her, she just paused. Shauna waved her off after another fleeting moment, " Nevermind, it's nothing. Thanks, Alex. "

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