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"The fuck you tryin do, Baji."

"Hello to you too y/n." He said as he held his hand.

"You seriously have nothing else to do?"

"Hey, I was just tryin surprise you is all. We haven't seen each other in a while, so I thought it will be fun."

"No.. just no. Don't try to do something like that again." I said as I start walking ahead not giving him a glance.

"I thought it was cool." He said walking beside me.

"Why are u here right now?"

"Just walking home."

"Your house is on the other side."

"I know, i just thought of taking the long cut." I rolled my eyes at his remark. As he snickered.

A long minute of silence passed, as he gave me a side glance, raising an eyebrow at the sudden silence.

"Did something happen today?
You look more zoned out then usual."

I averted my eyes towards him passing him a nod in return.

"Ohh, what is it?"

"Let's go eat some yakisoba first." He grinned. Giving me thumbs up.


"This is so good..." He said slurping his noodles. Making some of them fall down on his jacket.

I looked at him with disgust. As we both sat inside the convenience store eating our yakisoba.

"Ughh.. you are disgusting."

"Whatever. So.. Tell me what happened." He asked setting down his food.

"I got in a fight. I was tryin help my friend and things escalated pretty quickly. And then my brother had to go ahead and ask me to leave the house so that he could spend some time with his girlfriend."
I finished, not mentioning certain parts.

"Hmm, well your brother probably wants a good fuck." My eyes widened, as I choked of my food, coughing out loudly, passing him a disgusted look.

"What? You can't convince me on anything other then that!" He snickered, passing me a water.


"Who was this friend that you were tryin protect?"

"He is a junior of mine, met him a few days ago."

"Can he fight?"

"You are not picking a fight with him, Baji."

"What.. ? Come on!"


"Okay okay. So that's it? Nothing else happened?"

"Yes, that's it." I lied looking at him directly in the eyes.

"Well if u say so.."


"This one is really important, make sure to note it down students." The teacher stated as he wrote down few questions on the blackboard.

I was in my class, paying attention like an average student will, but only to clear off my mind from all the thoughts.

Since yesterday, I couldn't stop thinking about the afternoon events. About Mikey and Takemichi.

𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍~ 𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐉𝐈𝐑𝐎Where stories live. Discover now