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August 3rd, 2007.

Water drained down the weep hole as I quickly closed the tap.
Shivers ran down my spine as my feet made contact with the cold floor. Viewing myself in the mirror i tucked a hair stand behind my ear.

The day of the festival has arrived.

Draken was supposed to die today.
But, maybe that's not gonna happen now. But why? Why am I getting this gut feeling that says otherwise.

I made my way out of the shower, picking up a suitable outfit from the closet.
Drying my hair with the tower I made my way towards the bed as I sat down on the soft mattress, gawking out of the window.

My eyes silently widened as I heard a thud. Squinting my eyes at the window as I saw small pebbles been thrown at it.

I quickly got up, making my ways towards the window, peering down on the streets.

"What is he doing here?" I whispered under my breath.

He waved his hand up in the air as his eyes met mine. A wide grin on his face.

How come I didn't hear him.

I quickly wore my jacket, picked up some cash, my cell phone and rushed downwards. I'm lucky my brother isn't here right now.

Closing the door behind my back, I made my way towards his bike, squinting my eyes at his grin.

"Y/n-chin! You look so pretty."

He openly complimented as I stopped infront of him. "I told you I'll meet you at the festival."

His smile slowly dropped as he averted his eyes, making me fold my arms at his act. "Ahh.. I thought it would be better if I just picked you up."

"How did you know where I live?"

"I have my ways Y/n-chin." He confessed passing me his sly smile, getting on his bike.

I sighed at his statement, opening my mouth for an insult, only for his ringtone to beat me at it. He picked up the call, passing me a side look.

"What's wrong?"

He stayed silent for a couple of seconds. Frowning his eyebrows together, listening to the other side.

"Alright. I'll be there."

He hung up, passing me an apologetic look. "Sorry Y/n-chin.. something came up, I need to leave."

I raised my eyebrows at his words. "What happened?"

"Don't worry about it. Just some gang stuff." He stated starting the engine."I guess I'll just meet you at the festival." He finished passing me a small smile.

"Are you sure?.."

"Mhm.. I'm sorry once again Y/n-chin." He took off, as I watched his bike disappearing from my sight.

It's actually fine. I wanted to say, but couldn't, due to his rush.

I turned around, stepping forward.
As I started walking towards the festival. 'Guess I'll just meet him there.'

What could possibly be wrong. Why did he have to leave. Is Draken's life still in danger. A whole lot of questions ran inside my head as I continued my walk.

Draken's with Emma right now, and Mikey said that he has been called somewhere else. Is Draken's life in danger or not...

What if all of this is a set up. To call for Mikey somewhere else, so that they can attack draken.

𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍~ 𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐉𝐈𝐑𝐎Where stories live. Discover now