
364 17 4

Year 2004

I sat down on the bed, gazing outside at particularly nothing. The moon's ray being the only source of light shinning upon my face through the large front window.

I averted my gaze down towards the side table, staring at the picture frame decorated on it.

I picked up the frame, gazing down at it with a small smile.

The picture of me, my brother and our dad. One he clicked without our consent, with me and Sora babbling behind. His face positioned towards the front with a lovely smile adoring his face.

Funny how it was the last one he ever clicked but also became the most precious one for me.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I slowly trace my thumb along his face. Pressing my lips together to stop the sobs.

Are you seriously gonna cry again. Grow up. He's gone.

I whipped the tears off quickly. Keeping the frame back to it's original position. Picking up the half filled glass of water, before drinking it in one go.


I flinched at the sudden sound. Swinging my head towards the door.

What was that?

Did Sora came back home?

No. He said he'll be staying at his friends house.

An intruder perhaps.

I slowly placed the glass back on the table. Getting up from the bed, before picking up the baseball bat kept near.

I walked towards the door, quietly opening it a bit, positioning my head outside. Before opening it wide enough to step outside.

I cautiously walked down the stairs, slouching down to avoid any gaze.

It was already dark enough. And the sound of my heart pounding in my chest wasn't helping much.

"Shit. How do I fix this!?"

My feet stopped.

'Fuck. Someone seriously broke inside.'

I tighten my grip around my bat, walking towards the source. Narrowing my eyes at the silhouette of a person crouching down, eying the broken pieces of the vase, shattered on the floor with his back facing me.

I slowly walked up to him, trying not to make any sound. Placing the tip of the bat silently behind his head.

"Whose house do you think your robbing?"

The man frozed. Silently averting his gaze behind his shoulder. Cursing under his breath before getting up.

I glared at him, my bat still positioned towards his head, as he slowly turned around.

"Listen. This is all just a misunderstanding.."

My eyes silently widened as he fully turned around. Staring at my face with frown.

"Wait. You're-"

"The fuck are you doing in my house?!" I asked with a scowl.

He blinked in surpise. "You're house?"

"You followed me here!?"

"NO. Ofcourse not. This is-"

His words got cut off as I pressed the bat on his chest, making him stumble back with a grunt. His back pressing on the wall as he raised his hands in surrender.

𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍~ 𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐉𝐈𝐑𝐎Where stories live. Discover now