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'Everyone's here..'

A look of relief formed on Takemichi's face who thought it was over for them, smiling out loud at the gangs arrival.

"Who wants to die first?"

"Peh, I'm Killin' you first!"

I looked around the area, grinning in excitement. 'That bastard's real quiet now, isn't he.'


My averted my eyes towards Mikey who called out my name, standing with his back facing us.

"I want you to leave this place right now with Emma." He looked over his shoulder passing me a grin."It's gonna get real bloody in here.."

My eyes silently widened, turning my head around to look at Emma, who looked around uncomfortable with the stares.

'Right, Emma's still here..'

"Let's go." I quickly tightened my grip on her hand, running out of the lot. 'I need to make sure she's safe first.'

"Y/n-san!, Emma-Chan!"

We stopped, looking around the streets, Hina's image coming into sight, who ran towards us with a distressed look.


"What's going on? Takemichi-kun hurriedly left without answering me, I have been looking for him.." she asked, stopping infront of our figures.

"A conflict is happening between Toman and a rival gang right now."

"What!? So that's why he ran off.."
She whispered, looking down.

"Hear me out, both of you.." Their attention averted towards me, listening to my words seriously.
"I want you guys to stay away from the parking lot, and find a safe plac-"

"Wait a second. What about you? Are you planning on going back in there?!" Emma shouted with a concerned look.

"Yes.. and don't worry, I'm not gonna interfere in their brawl. Probably."
I backed away saying those words. Running back towards the lot. "Stay safe!"

I ingorned their calls, sprinting towards the shrine. "As if I'm gonna run away."


The fight had already began, once I reached the area. The sound of yelling and punches filled the entire place.

I looked around the lot, my eyes trying to find the figure of a particular someone. But failed to do so.

"Please be safe." I whispered under my breath. Making my way inside the crowd.

The men inside too busy to pay me any attention, making my way easier. I backed away as a man suddenly fall down beside me, his face bruished, almost knocked out.

His opponent made an eyeconact with me, tilting his head in confusion. His blue hair coming into sight. 'Didn't I meet him at the meeting?'

"Ahm.. Hi." I awkwardly waved at him, frowning as he suddenly frozed on the spot.

"Ah...bye!" I made my way forward, as he suddenly came back into sense, Panicking raising his hand forward. "W-Wait!"

I ingored his call, continuing my search.'where is he?!'

"Oi! Aren't you the girl from earlier!? The one with toman?" I turned around at the source. Squinting my eyes at the group of four men standing behind me.

𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍~ 𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐉𝐈𝐑𝐎Where stories live. Discover now