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Your POV.

Walking down the streets, I breathed out in annoyance, lifting my hand to cover my face from the sunlight. The afternoon heat radiating down on everyone making the people present walk around with a groan.

"Are you sure this would work?" The confused teenager stated out beside me, looking at my face in reassurance.

I shrugged. "Probably."

A sweat drop on the side on his head, staring at my face then towards the front. "Well it's just, you never time leaped before and what if something else happened and it didnt work out?"

"Exactly, I never time leaped. And probability of something else happening is unlikely."

"Yes. But what if you get stuck? We don't even know who your trigger is!"

"Maybe it's Naoto, I mean you and I both are kinda connected." I stated in a hurry as we both walked towards the respected apartment.

"Yeah.. it's just I-I don't think we should do this."

"Why do you think so Takemichi?"

"It's because your not from the future! It's a whole new word for you and I can't comprehend how will you manage things on your own" He explained in a breath.

I sighed, folding my arms. "Takemichi don't you think I already know that much."

"Well if you do then think about it!" He whispered aggressively. "You could go into a trance and what if you somehow got stuck in that timeline!?" He explained.

"I may be sounding stubborn at the moment. But its a true that i can't just settle for the fact that i started having visions of my future self out of no where." I finger quoted. "And that to only after your appearance. There has to be an answer."

It's pretty much clear that these sudden abilities of mine are connected with Takemichi's. So if he could time leap, there's a chance I could to. And if I'm getting visions, there's a possibility that takemichi might also go through this in the upcoming future.

Having a chance to experience something completely extraordinary doesn't just happen with anyone.

"I get your concern Takemichi. But then again, we never tried it out. And I don't wanna lose this chance."

He sighed. "But Y/n-san..."

I shushed him with a finger. "Think about it again. We are a team. Its always better working together then putting yourself through unrealistic expectations." I explained, staring at his silent expression. "You believed I could help you. And.. That's also the reason why you trusted me with all your secrets.

He blinked a few times before making a defeated expression. "I know we are a team.. and.. it's just. I don't want something to happen to you.."

I let out a breath before putting on a smile. "Is that what's been bothering you all this time. Rest assured Takemichi. I'll try my best to stay out of any trouble. Im gonna be just fine. Now if you don't mind." I held his shoulder, turning him around, nudging him to walk forward, as he sighed for the hundered time.

A few minutes walk, and we reached Hinata's apartment, quickly walking upto her door, we rang the door bell. A few steps and yells could be heard other side as the door opened, Hina's face coming into sight. Her face brightening as her eyes laid on our frame.

"Takemichi-kun? Y/n-san??" She gazed around at us in confusion. "What are you guys doing here?"

Takemichi immediately stepped forward. "Ah- sorry.. Hina, but we actually wanted to have a talk with Naoto?" He rubbed his neck in embarrassment.

𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍~ 𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐉𝐈𝐑𝐎Where stories live. Discover now