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The sweet blossomy freshness of the flowers entered my nostiles as i stepped inside the shop. Varieties of flowers presented inside the store enterning my sight, making it absolutely heavenly to look at.

"Oh, Y/n-chan! How have you been?!"

My ears pricked up at the call. Averting my eyes towards the lady standing at the counter wearing a light pink apron.

"Mei." A smile formed on my face, staring at the cheerful girl, who looked at me grinning happily. "I'm fine. How are you?"

"Amazing, now that I have seen you." She quickly placed the flowers she held in her hands onto the counter, stepping towards me with open arms. I hurriedly hugged her back, as soon as she embraced me in a bear hug.

"I didn't expected you're visit at all."
She spoke, letting go, folding her arms together.

"I didn't expected to see you here as well."

"Oh! Well my mom's health is a priority. She's been sick for a week but still insists on helping." A frown formed on a her face as she quickly answered.

"What about your college?"

"I can manage." Her frown replaying itself with her signature smile."Not that I don't enjoy it here."

I hummed at her reply, roaming my eyes towards the bouquets kept on the shelfs and cabinets.

"I'm really curious" I averted my head towards her raising an eyebrow. "How come you here at this hour?"

"I actually thought about picking some flowers for a friend." I answered back, glancing her a curious expression.

"It's a boy or a girl?" I narrowed my eyes at her words. "Why does it matter?"

Her eyes silently widened as she waving her hands in the air. "Oh no no. What's not what I meant. I was just curious!"

My closed my eyes, surpassing my smile, staring back at the bouquets.
"A boy. And before you start, he got in an accident a week ago. That's why I thought about picking up some."

"I never said anything." She giggled amusingly. "You're face said it all."
She quickly held back her smile answering back. "Again. You're just making things up."

I rolled my eyes at my words. Crossing my arms. "So. Which one would you like?" She faced the bouquets, glancing at my side profile.

"I actually have no idea. Would you suggest anything?"

She placed a finger on her chin glancing at the place. "Well. If it's for a friend then Tulips would be good choice."

"But yellow roses would be a better option. It symbolizes friendship."
A smile formed on my face, clearing my throat "Do you have those right now?"

"Hm? Which ones?"

"Yellow roses."

"Yes. You want those?" She raised an eyebrow waiting for an answer.
"Mhm. That would be prefect." She smiled nodding her head, walking off towards a direction.


A knowing smile formed on my face at the thought.


Opening the door of his room, I slowly stepped inside, carefully balancing the bouquet in my hand, closing the door behind.

His eyes slowly traveled from the window onto my frame, a small smile forming on his face. "Y/n-san, you're early today."

𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍~ 𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐉𝐈𝐑𝐎Where stories live. Discover now