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"Did you bring what i asked- ..what happened to you?!"

The twelve year boy yelled running towards his sister, who stood infront of the entrance, shutting the door close behind her. Bruised. Clothes full of dirt. With few Cuts around her face.

"Hey! What happened?! Who did this to you?" The boy asked shaking her shoulders.

"A bunch of middleschoolers.."
Tears welled in the eyes of the nine year old girl. As she sobbed infront of her brother.

"What's going on here?"

Their eyes averted towards the man who stepped out of the kitchen, wearing an apron, holding a spatula.

His eyes traveled down towards the frame of the little girl, who stood with cuts all over her face.

"Sora, Bring me the kit."

The boy ran back towards his room, almost immediately, obeying the man's words. Bringing the first aid kit back with him.

"Come over here, Y/n."

The man spoke sitting down on the couch, patting the space beside him.

The said girl obeyed, sitting down with her eyes casted down on the floor.

"Now, care to explain what happened?" The man asked clearing her wounds

"I was coming back home with the suppliers you told me to bring."

The man hummed applying an antibotic. As the girl hissed in pain.

"..a bunch of middle schoolers came up to me.. asking me to give the supplies to them, and when I refused they got really mad,.. and did this." The girl finished, watching the man apply the bandage.

"What! Those bastards." The boy yelled fisting his fist.

"Sora, don't curse." The man spoke calmly.

"But, dad-"

"Teach me how to fight, Dad."
The girl asked cutting of his brother, raising her head. Her eyes full of determination.

"Are you sure, Y/n?"

"Yes." The girl answered almost immediately.

"Okay then."

"Wait, wait! What! You agreeded that quickly!" The boy yelled moving his hands in the air. Swaping the attention.

"Is there something wrong with that? I always wanted to teach you both. But, was waiting for your call." The man asked titling his head.


"Yes! You both have no idea how long I have waited for this moment." The man stated with a grin.

"Wait. You are not counting me in this, are you?"

The man titled his head in confusion. Placing a head under his chin."Sora, you don't want to train with your little sister?"

"I am not interested. It takes a lot of effort." He stated with a blank look on his face.
We looked at him in disbelief, sighing heavily.

"Why would I even consider asking?" Dad stated with a gloomy aura surrounding him.

"Well, there was nothing to except anyways! Nii-chan is just a slacker if anything." I spoke shaking my head in dissapotiment.

"Oi! What did you say!"

"Now now, don't start again. It has been enough for the day!"


𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍~ 𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐉𝐈𝐑𝐎Where stories live. Discover now