ShizuAiri- A Hundred Thousand Kisses🌷♡₊˚ 🦢₊✧

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"Shizu, don't move, I'm going to come find you, okay?" Airi hung up her phone, sighing heavily. Despite her offers to pick up her girlfriend, Shizuku, from her house for their date at the new cafe that had just opened near Shizuku's house, Shizuku was determined to prove her independence to Airi and walk there all by herself. And naturally, now she was lost. 

Airi, tracking Shizuku's phone on her own, told one of the waitresses she was stepping out for a minute but would be back and please don't give away her table. The smiling waitress agreed, and Airi rushed out of the cafe to search for Shizuku.

Luckily, Shizuku hadn't gotten too lost this time, and Airi found her sitting on a park bench only a few blocks away from where they had agreed to meet.

"Shizuku, I'm here!" Airi called as she approached the blue-haired girl, waving her hands above her head. 

"Airi!" Shizuku ran forward to engulf her girlfriend in a hug.

"Shizu- can't breathe-" Airi panted as Shizuku squeezed her tightly in her arms.

"Oops, sorry!" Shizuku said, letting go. "Wow, Airi, you look so beautiful!" Shizuku stepped back a little to admire her Airi's outfit. The shorter girl was dressed in light blue jeans and a cute turtleneck with a strawberry print on the front. 

(A/N: Am I projecting what I want to wear onto my comfort characters? Absolutely I am

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(A/N: Am I projecting what I want to wear onto my comfort characters? Absolutely I am.)

Airi blushed a little, looking away. "You always look good, Shizuku," she said. Shizuku was wearing a simple white sundress with matching strappy sandals and a pearl necklace, looking elegant as ever. Although Airi was convinced Shizuku could wear a trash bag with a duct tape belt and still be the most beautiful person in any room she walked into.

"Shall we go, Airi?" Shizuku asked, holding out a hand, which Airi took. Shizuku began to walk in the completely wrong direction.

"How about I lead us?" Airi suggested. Shizuku, looking relieved, nodded in agreement. 


"Ooh, this menu looks so good, Airi!" Shizuku gasped. The waitress had kept her promise, and their table was still waiting for them when the two of them returned. "Oh my stars! Look, they have these little macarons shaped like cats!" She flipped the menu around to show her girlfriend. "Excuse me!" Shizuku called over yet another waiter. "Could we please have two orders of the kitty-cat macarons?" The waiter nodded. 

"What about cake? Should we get some? They have chocolate, vanilla, strawberry.." Airi looked down the menu. "Ooh, rainbow! I wonder what that tastes like? Or lemon, that sounds good too, there are so many good choices! What do you think?" Airi asked Shizuku.

"Rainbow! Because you're the the rainbow in my heart, Airi!" Shizuku said happily, leaning forward and resting her chin on her hands.

"Oh my god, that was one of the corniest things you've ever said, and you've said a lot of corny things," Airi said, burying her head in her arms on the table to hide her blush. 

Shizuku giggled. "Oh, darling," she reached over to pull Airi's hand out from under her head and hold it tight in her own. "I only speak the truth,"

"Once you said Dutch was a country," Airi reminded her.

"I only speak the truth when it comes to you," Shizuku corrected herself. She gazed lovingly at the pink-haired girl, forever grateful to call Airi her's. "So how about the rainbow cake?"


"Open wide, angel!" Shizuku pushed a forkful of the rainbow cake towards Airi, who, rolling her eyes, obliged. She chewed with a thoughtful expression. "How is it?" Shizuku asked.

"That," Airi stated, "Is not very good." 

"Hmm, let's see," Shizuku said. She took a forkful for herself and swallowed it. She wrinkled her nose. 

Airi laughed at Shizuku's face. The beautiful model and idol, with rainbow crumbs on her top lip and her perfect skin wrinkled in dislike. Airi quickly pulled her phone out of her back pocket to take a quick picture.

"Airi!" Shizuku protested. "Don't post that! I don't want the fans to-"

"Don't worry, this one's just for me," Airi grinned at the photo, quickly adding it to an album titled 'shizu<333' which now with the new addition contained 458 photos. Yes, Airi was absolutely head-over-heels for the girl hurridly wiping her face with a napkin in front of her, and she wasn't ashamed of it. It was something impossible to resist, like your favorite food sitting right in front of you after a week of eating nothing but bland mush, or a free trip around the world while staying in luxury hotels.

"Airi, do I have anything left on my face?" Shizuku asked, after trying and failing to use the front camera on her phone to get a better look.

"Oh yeah, here," Airi leaned across the table and wiped a few crumbs from the corner of Shizuku's mouth with her thumb. "There you go. All good," She smiled at the taller girl. Shizuku took Airi's hand, which was still resting on Shizuku's face, and kissed it. And again, and then again, leaving a trail of sparkly lip gloss across the back of the pink-haired girl's hand. 

"We're in public, baby," Airi said, sadly pulling her hand away. It was a sign of just how much she didn't want to stop that she attempted to compensate with a pet name, something she usually scoffed at.

Shizuku nodded. As much as she didn't want to, she understood where Airi was coming from. She didn't want to face the downfall when people found out two members of MORE MORE JUMP! were together. It would definetely be considered unprofessional, and that was too much of a risk considering they were still fairly new as a group. A blow like that too their reputations was exactly what they didn't need right now.

"Can I have extra kisses once we get home?" Shizuku asked, leaning back in her chair.

"Oh, are you planning on taking me home after this?" Airi asked, laughing slightly. 

"Mhm, you've caught me! I'm trying to kidnap my precious Airi so I can attack her with kisses and affection!" Shizuku said, joining in Airi's giggling. 

"Of course. As many kisses as you want," Airi agreed.

"One hundred thousand!" Shizuku said excitedly.

"Okay, one hundred thousand kisses it is." Airi said.

A/N: Sorry if this one isn't super good, I love these two but for some reason sometimes I have trouble writing their dynamic૮₍⇀‸↼‶₎ა Anways I hope it wasn't too horrendous to read! Thank you for four reads૮₍'。ᵔ ꈊ ᵔ。'₎ა

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