AnHane- Decade₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.

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"Bro, chill out,"

"AKITO! I SWEAR TO GOD, IT IS MY WEDDING DAY AND I'M NOT GOING TO CHILL OUT!" An yelled across her hotel room. Her loose hair swung around as she turned to yell at her best friend. The white dress she wore, which was complimented by the look of utter and complete panic on her face, had been picked out months ago, another piece of her perfect day. 

"So your thought process is, Kohane is going to turn you down at the altar because your hair isn't quite right?" Akito said, sitting down in a chair in the corner of the room. He raised a questioning eyebrow as An glared at him. 

An began to pace, rubbing her temple. "Speaking of which, where is Kohane? Have you talked to her? Have you talked to Toya? Oh my god, they're probably dead-"

"An. An, it's all okay." Akito got up, putting his hands on her shoulders. "Deep breathes, in and out."

An slowed her breathing, although she still looked worried. Finally, she looked up at Akito and gave him a small smile, nodding.

"Alright, now will you let me finish your hair?" Akito asked, pointing to the vanity where they had been before An began to panic.

"Yeah, yeah," An replied, slumping into the chair and placing a hand on her heart, trying to lower her heart rate as she feared it was now in danger of exploding. 

Akito picked up the hairbrush lying on the vanity and resumed brushing An's hair, referencing a picture from Pinterest as he began to style it. After discovering Akito's talent for hair styling (after practicing on Ena so she could have cute hair for her photos), An had insisted Akito be the one to help her get ready for her wedding day. Since they had been best friends since forever, practically siblings, it was only natural he was the one she would choose to be with her on the most important day of her life.

"An," Akito said. "Do you remember June 29th, eight years ago?"

"Duh, high school graduation!" An said. "Kohane came to cheer us all on. It was so sweet. I still have the, 'Conglatulations, An!' banner lying around somewhere,"

"And do you remember what you said to me when she unraveled the banner?" Akito asked.

An thought, trying to remember. "Not really."

"You turned to me with this big, stupid grin, blushing like crazy and said, 'Oh my god, I'm going to marry that girl'," Akito said. "And I called you delusional. But I don't even know if you heard me because at that point you jumped out of your seat in the middle of Toya's Valedictorian speech to go hug her."

An giggled. "I do remember that part."

Akito smiled. "So, uh, this is my apology for calling you delusional. In my defense, it's because I genuinely thought you were. But, hey look! You're really doing it, An." He spun her chair around to show her the hairstyle he had done.

"Oh my god, Akito, it looks amazing!" An exclaimed, jumping out of her seat to hug him.

"I'm glad you like it," Akito replied, grinning as he returned the hug. "Now, let's get you to your wedding,"

                                  · · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

An took a deep breath, her eyes squeezed tightly shut until she heard the sounds of footsteps walking up the aisle. Exhaling, she opened her eyes.

Kohane was dressed in a simple white silk dress with drapey sleeves, being escorted down the aisle by her father (An was trying not to look at her own as Ken sobbed quiet tears of joy in the front row). An felt her jaw drop, and Kohane smiled shyly at her, her eyes glistening. 

"Oh my god," An said as soon as Kohane reached her, pulling her in for a tight hug. The audience 'aw' 'd and Mizuki, An's bridesmaid, said "Save it for the honeymoon!" to plenty of laughter. 

An looked around at her two best friends, Mizuki and Akito, her bridesmaid and bridesman. They gave her a reassuring look, Mizuki winking and Akito flashing thumbs up. An beamed at them before turning back to her bride. 

"Kohane, my best friend, my partner, the love of my life," An said, taking Kohane's hands in her own. "I love you more than words can describe. I love you deeper than the ocean, brighter than the sun, bigger than the whole sky."

An looked over Kohane's shoulder a bit as she noticed Minori, Kohane's bridesmaid, was crying into a tissue, and being comforted by Toya, Kohane's bridesman. 

She took a deep breath before continuing. "We met ten years ago today. You came into my dad's coffee shop, and suddenly, my whole world changed for the better. You changed me for the better. You taught me to see more colors than just black and white, to sing not for singing's sake but because there are some feelings that words fail to describe. You gave me courage and strength, and you taught me patience and pure, true love. The greatest blessing I ever got was getting this last decade with you, and the biggest blessing to come for me is getting to spend every decade with you after this. I love you so much, Kohane, and I can't wait for you to be my wife."

The crowd applauded as Kohane wiped a few tears from her cheek, blushing heavily. "An, now my vows will look really lame companed to that," she muttered, grinning ear to ear. An beamed at her.

"Okay, so... An, I didn't really have a lot of direction in life before I met you. I was kind of floating around, not feeling any sense of purpose. But you shared your dream with me, and even back then, I knew music wasn't the only dream you had given me; a life with you, being able to call you mine, was a dream I have had since the moment we met. I began to like you because of your singing, but I began to love you because you never gave up on me. I knew I loved you when we did our first show together as Vivid BAD Squad. After our last song, you turned to me with a huge smile on your face and you hugged me tightly. I felt so loved, so safe, and even though we were on a stage in front of fifty people, I felt like it was just us. I love you now and forever, for this last decade and all the next decades to come."

"You may now kiss the bride!" The officiant announced, but An and Kohane had already embraced each other and kissed deeply. 

As they pulled apart, their friends and family crowded them, like a bubble of love and support. An felt Akito's hand on her shoulder, heard Mizuki saying, "HELL YEAH!" and then Ena, Mizuki's girlfriend, yelling "Shut up, Mizuki, they're trying to have a sweet moment!" She watched Kohane embrace Toya and Minori, happy tears running down her face, and she felt her own parent's arms around her. Through all of the chaos, all of the excited people, she found Kohane's hand and took it in her own.

To this decade, and every other one to come. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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