MizuEna- Timeless🌷🫧💭‧₊˚✩彡

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(This is a little continuation of Enchanted, not a Part 2 but basically just in the same timeline, a few weeks after the last one, I hope that made sense!)

Some people say that when you fall in love, time stands still. 

Ena is not some people, however. She and Mizuki had fallen in love quick and hard; there was absolutely nothing still about it. Not the dancing, not the sudden kisses when Mizuki would be leaving school and Ena would be going to school and they would pass each other on the street, not the constant stream of texts they sent to each other every day, nothing. 

It was just the way the two of them liked it. 

It was finally the weekend after a long week at school (Mizuki had gone four days this week at Ena's request and was whining about it non-stop) and Mizuki and Ena were celebrating with a sleepover. Sleepovers had become very commonplace for them now, usually once a week at least, sometimes more. Neither of their parents knew the two were a couple, so they never had to worry about their parents saying no. The only ones who knew about their relasionship in their families were Ena's brother and Mizuki's sister, and as Mizuki's sister loved Mizuki and didn't want to prevent them seeing their girlfriend, she didn't tell anyone. Ena had threatned Akito into staying quiet by recording a phone call between him and his boyfriend, Toya, in which Akito had said "Yeah, see you later muffin," (Akito swears it was a joke) (it was not). She and Mizuki had already had a good laugh over that, but Ena was still planning to milk it for all it was worth.

"Bubblegum Bitch" by Marina and the Diamonds was playing loudly from Ena's speaker, keeping the atmosphere exciting as Mizuki sat in Ena's bed. The brunette girl was kissing them, sitting in their lap. Mizuki's hands were tight on Ena's waist, and Ena's hands were all up in their soft pink hair. 

I'll chew you up then, I'll spit you out, cause that's what young love is all about

Mizuki let out a small sigh as Ena began to kiss along their jawline. "Ena.." they said, not for anything, just wanting to say it. 

"Is this okay?" Ena asked, disconnected her lips from Mizuki's face for a moment. 

Mizuki nodded. "Absolutely,"

Ena smiled and continued to kiss along their neck, leaving glittery lip gloss everywhere. 

I'm going to pop your bubblegum heart!

"You're amazing, Ena," Mizuki said. It had become a habit of theirs to compliment Ena whenever there was an opening, especially when Ena was being particularly affectionate. "I love you so much,"

"I love you too," Ena said, pulling away slightly before pressing her lips against Mizuki's again. They were so lost in each other they didn't notice the knock on the door.

"Jeez, can you turn the music-" Akito was standing in the doorway when Mizuki and Ena looked over. Toya was standing slightly behind him.

"I told you not to go in," Toya said to Akito. 

Ena immediatly got up from her bed, red faced and angry. "What's wrong with you? Ever heard of knocking?"

"I did, there was no reply," Akito said. "Do you really expect to hear anything with that shit blasting at max volume?"

"No one asked you for input on our music! Get lost!" Ena fumed, slamming the door in the ginger's face.

Mizuki had taken Ena's phone and stopped the music. They were looking at Ena, who was still very clearly upset. "Ena, baby," they said, holding their arms open. Ena immediatly threw herself into them, burying her face in Mizuki's shoulder. 

"Stupid, stupid Akito," Ena said, her voice muffled as her mouth was still pressed against the fabic of Mizuki's shirt. 

Mizuki stroked the back of Ena's head, twirling pieces of her soft brown hair between their fingers. "I'm sorry." They whispered.

"What are you sorry for? It's Akito's fault." Ena said. Yeah, she was not going to let this go anytime soon.

"Would you like to cuddle instead?" Mizuki asked, opening their arms and leaning back into Ena's pillows. 

"Yes please," Ena replied gratefully, lying down against her girlfriend. "Thank you for being so understanding"

"Of course," Mizuki said, planting a kiss on top of Ena's head. They were still in shock that Ena had agreed to be their girlfriend, and that they were the only one lucky enough to see Ena's softer side. Mizuki's loved every part of Ena, but their very favorite part of their relasionship was when Ena would finally let her guard down. It only happened when the two of them were alone, usually in one of their rooms together, spending hours cuddled up together, talking about anything. Sometimes they just held each other and took turns picking songs that made them think of the other, or if they were feeling romantic, Mizuki would make a picnic right on their bedroom floor, complete with fancy matching teacups they had found at the thrift store.

Everything was so familiar when they were together that Mizuki was sure that they had known Ena in a past life, and loved her just as much as she did in this one. They weren't sure if they believed in miracles, but the fact that this girl was lying in their arms scrolling through NewJeans songs might just be one.

Mizuki snatched the phone from Ena's hand and quickly searched up the song that had just popped into their head.

"Hey!" Ena protested, but Mizuki quickly found the song and put it on. Ena stopped to listen. "Taylor Swift again, really?"

"Shh, just listen!" Mizuki said, rolling their eyes. They waited for the chorus, watching Ena's face the entire time. When it finally came, they hummed along softly.

Even if we'd met on a crowded street in ninteen fourty-four, and you were headed off to fight in the war

You still would've been mine, we would've been timeless

"I'm glad I don't have a cheesy girlfriend. That would be really annoying," Ena said sarcastically, smiling all the same.

"Oh, just shut up and listen!" Mizuki said. 

I would've read you love letters every single night, and prayed to god you'd be coming home all right

And you would've been fine, we would've been timeless

Ena smiled, rolling over to kiss Mizuki quickly. "You're cheesy. But I love you. And I love Taylor Swift. So you win."

"Win what?" Mizuki asked. They could taste Ena's cherry chapstick on their lips, and tried not to let that distract them.

"Me, I guess," Ena shrugged.

"Best prize ever!" Mizuki said, crushing Ena in a hug. 

"Can't- breathe- Mizuki-" Ena said.

"Whoops, sorry!" Mizuki said, grinning cheekily.

Ena rolled her eyes and poked Mizuki's cheek. "You know lesbians were like, illegal, in nineteen fourty-four? So I don't know how much this song fits us,"

"Well, men went away for war, so someone had to keep the ladies happy," Mizuki said.

Ena giggled a little despite trying to keep a straight face. "Yeah. You're right,"

A/N: Sorry this update was slow, I was on vacation this week! As a little bonus I'm going to share my favorite MizuEna headcanons૮꒰˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶꒱ა˖⁺‧₊˚

I headcanon Mizuki as transfemme, non-binary and a lesbian who uses they/she pronouns! I think they dated Rui in middle school before they fully realized their identity, and they're still besties with him even though they broke up once Mizuki realized they weren't into guys or a guy themself! My Ena headcanon is that she's a lesbian who uses she/her pronouns. And obviously I think they're both swifties, if that wasn't blindingly obvious. Mizuki is definetely super flirty but when Ena flirts back they get super flustered and don't know what to do, which Ena find hilarious.

Have an amazing day/afternoon/night! Don't forget to eat and drink something૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა

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