MinoHaru- Sick Day Essentials⋆˙⟡♡ᵕ̈

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"Minori, sweetheart, you weren't in class, is everything okay?" Haruka Kiritani anxiously asked as soon as her girlfriend, Minori Hanasato finally picked up her phone on the fifth ring. Haruka was usually calm and collected, a trait that made her easy to get along with and was one of the reasons she was so successful as an idol. But when it came to Minori, Haruka couldn't help but loose her composure whenever she suspected something may be wrong, no matter how small the issue. 

Haruka was pacing the rooftop, unable to sit still. After trying and failing to find Minori at lunch, and hearing that neither Airi nor Shizuki had seen her either, she had rushed up to the quietest place, which also happened to be their usual practice spot, to call her.

"I'm sorry, Haruka," Minori sounded congested. "I've come down with something... I'm alright, just sniffly, and-" she coughed, "my throat hurts,"

Haruka sighed in a mix of relief and exasperation. "I told you not to practice in the rain. I'm glad it's not serious, though."

"Yeah... am I missing anything much at school today?" Minori asked.

"No, we just had a free work block this morning. We're doing some new material in math, so I can review that with you later if that works," Haruka replied. 

"Yeah, that's perfect, thank you," Minori said. She coughed again, and Haruka could hear her shuffling around. 

"Are you home alone, Minori?" Haruka said.

"What? Oh, yeah, my parents are at work," Minori said. "I'm alright, though..."

"Oh, Minori, please try and get some rest, okay? I'll be over after school to look after you," Haruka said, already mentally preparing a list of things she'd get for Minori from the store on the way to her house. 

"No, Haruka, I know you have practice, and-"

"Airi and Shizuku will be fine for one practice. You're my top priority, okay, love?" Haruka insisted. On the other end of the line, she could hear Minori sigh. She sounded relieved. Haruka heard her sit down.

"Alright, thank you so much, you know you're the best girlfriend in the world?" Minori said.

Haruka smiled. "See you soon, Minori,"

(A/N: I have a headcanon that Haruka uses kinda old, sweet pet names for Minori like darling, love, sweetheart etc. ૮꒰• ༝ •꒱ა)

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Minori was half-asleep in her bed that afternoon when she heard the doorbell ring. She yawned and pulled herself up, shuffling sleepily to the door still wrapped in a blanket. When she opened the door, she was immediatly wrapped in a warm hug. 

Haruka pulled away, examining Minori's face. "How are you feeling?" she placed a hand on Minori's forehead. "Your fever isn't too bad. That's good."

"I'm alright," Minori said, sniffling. "Just really t-t-t-tired," she said, attempting and failing to stifle a yawn halfway through her sentence. 

"Can you stay awake a little longer? I brought some soup to make, it always helps me feel better when I'm under the weather," Haruka said, holding up a the tote bag full of sick day essentials she was carrying. 

Minori nodded. Haruka wrapped an arm around the brunette girl and led her to her couch, where Minori promptly sat down, eyelids fluttering, threatening to close once more. 

"Here, I'll put on something to keep you awake." Haruka said, grabbing the remote. "What do you want to watch?"

"Can you pick?" Minori asked. "Anything's fine,"

"Alright, how about Lucky☆Star?" Haruka said, scrolling through the many streaming service's Minori's family had in an attempt to find her girlfriend's favorite show. 

Minori smiled drowsily. "Aw, you know me so well, Haruka!" 

Haruka smiled back, and kissed Minori's forehead as the intro began to play. "I'll be back with soup and tea in a minute, darling,"

Haruka tied Minori's apron around her waist as she started to prepare the soup just as Minori liked it. She put butter in the bottom of the pot before adding broth, chicken, noodles. She waited a few minutes, then added carrots, celery and onions. She topped off the soup with a little thyme, something she knew Minori would appreciate. She poured the soup into two bowls as she waited for water to boil for their green tea. 

"Minori, where do you keep the honey?" Haruka called from the kitchen. It was a trick she had learned from an idol she used to work with at ASRUN for whenever she had a sore throat after singing practice. 

"Cupboard above the stove," Minori replied. Haruka was happy she was managing to stay awake long enough to prepare food, as Minori was quite the deep sleeper. Haruka knew that once she was asleep, it would be a job to wake her up. 

After she added a tablespoon of honey to each cup of tea, Haruka placed everything on a tray and brought it out to the living room.

"Here, try and eat all of this," Haruka said, placing the tray in Minori's lap and taking off her own bowl of soup and cup of tea.

"Thank you so much," Minori said gratefully, taking a sip of the tea. 

"You don't need to thank me; I want to take care of you," Haruka said, picking up some noodles to try out of the broth. 

"This is really good, Haruka!" Minori exclaimed, as she too had tried the soup.

Haruka smiled. "I'm glad you like it."

"I would totally kiss you right now if I wasn't sick," Minori said. "Ugh, I want to go practice!"

"Does this convince you not to practice in the rain anymore?" Haruka asked, smirking. 

"Yes," Minori sighed. "I'll never get sick again!"

"Alright," Haruka chuckled. "Eat up so you can get started on that,"

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Haruka placed the dishes from the day to dry on a towel beside the sink. Minori had told her that her parents wouldn't be back until late that evening, so Haruka had taken the liberty of running the dishwasher and doing all the dishes stacked up on the counter. She could still hear Minori's show playing in the background. 

"Minori, are you still hungry?" Haruka asked as she re-entered the living room. 

Minori was fast asleep on the couch, holding one the pillows tightly. She looked so peaceful, Haruka couldn't help but fall even more in love with the girl in front of her. 

"Sleep tight, my love," Haruka said, brushing a stray hair behind Minori's ear. She gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. "I will always take care of you,"

(A/N: I love them so much! Also thank you so much for one hundred fifty reads, just a week ago I was getting excited about five reads! I love you all૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡)

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