AnHane- Lyrics🎙️* ੈ✩‧🎶₊˚

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An tapped her pen on the table, annoyed. She had been trying to write lyrics for almost an hour now with nothing to show for it. A small pile of crumpled paper lay on the table in front of her, as well as two empty to-go coffee cups. An groaned, laying her head on the table. Even if she didn't have a lot of experience, she should be able to come up with something in an hour, right? But nope, not even one line seemed right. 

"An, I think it's time to give yourself a break," a gentle voice said. An looked up to see her girlfriend, Kohane, standing on the other side of the table, smiling warmly.

"Hi, Kohane," An greeted. "Just a little longer, okay?"

Kohane sighed. "Okay," she agreed. She walked around to where An sat and wrapped her arms around her girlfriend's shoulders, looking over at the lyrics she was writing.

An leaned against Kohane's arm. "I know they're pretty bad," she said. 

"No, I like the one at the top of the page here," Kohane said.

"I don't know," An said. "They're just not what I was going for."

Kohane nodded, looking over the rest of the page. "Are you sure you don't want to take a quick break? We could watch a Studio Ghibli movie if you wanted," 

An immediatly perked up. "Can we watch Princess Mononoke?" She asked excitedly. 

"Of course," Kohane said, giggling at An's giddiness. She was just like a little kid when it came to Studio Ghibli- she had a big Totoro plush in the corner of her room, and a full set of detailed Howl's Moving Castle figures on a shelf. For her birthday, Kohane had gotten An a cardigan that looked like Howl's cape and a figure of Haku's dragon form, which was now one of An's most treasured possessions. 

The two girls walked up the stairs in the back of the cafe to the apartment above where An's family lived. An's room was spacious, with it's own bathroom attatched. The walls were adorned with Studio Ghibli posters, flyers from old events, and photos. There were a bunch of young An with Taiga, Nagi, and her dad, as well as some with her friends from school. Then, there was the wall above An's bed, which had basically turned into a Kohane shrine. It was entirely adorned with pictures of the two of them, a few print-outs of articles written by local newspapers about shows the two of them had done together, and little doodles that Kohane had given An. 

An flopped down in her bed, patting the space beside her. Kohane joined her, cuddling up beside her girlfriend. An grabbed the remote and flicked through the various streaming services on the TV opposite her bed. It had a tiny crack in the corner, from when the entire Vivid Bad Squad had played Mario Kart as a 'team building activity', and An tried to throw her controller at Akito when he beat her at Rainbow Road.

(Quick VBS Mario Kart Headcanons: Akito plays as Toad, Toya as Rosalina, Kohane as Shy Guy, specifically the pink one, and An as Yoshi)

An clicked Netflix and scrolled through the different shows until she found Princess Mononoke. She lay her head against Kohane's as the intro played, pulling the throw blanket from the end of her bed over the two of them. 

After about half an hour, An looked over at Kohane. She noticed that she had dozed off on An's shoulder. An smiled and placed a kiss on Kohane's temple.

Hit with a sudden wave of inspiration, An pulled out her phone to write down a few lyrics before she forgot them. She smiled to herself. Yeah, these were what she was looking for. 

                    ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

"So, here are the lyrics I came up with!" An said, pushing her phone towards Akito and Toya. Once Kohane had woken up, An had called the boys over to consult about their new song. 

"Sappy much?" Akito said, scrolling down through the note. 

"If you don't shut your Ed Sheeran looking ass up right-" An started, but Toya cut across her, trying to prevent any more unnecessary bickering.

"I think they're lovely," Toya said. "What gave you the inspiration? This is very different to what you usually right,"

"This adorable girl right here!" An said, pulling Kohane towards her. Kohane blushed.

"An..." she said, hoping no one else would notice how red she was. Although if she was being honest with herself, the astronauts on the Internation Space Station could probably see how much she was blushing. 

"Let's use these," Toya said, smiling approvingly.

"I'd rather not," Akito said, rolling his eyes. "Really, who do I look like? Taylor Swift?"

"You were listening to Teardrops On My Guitar yesterday," Toya said.

"Okay, Toya, now's a good time to stop talking!" Akito said loudly. "If I say yes will you stop saying definetely untrue not real things about me?"

Toya laughed. "Sure. Alright, let's start practicing this,"

"So Akito, you're a debut album kinda guy?" An asked, giggling.

"So An, you're a second place in Rainbow Road kinda girl?" Akito countered. 

"An, c'mon, let's go," Kohane said, pulling An away towards the microphones to start warming up. "You're always first place in my heart!"

"Awww, Kohane!" An said, practically tackling the poor girl. "I love you!"

"I love you too, An," Kohane said, hugging An back, although with not nearly as much strength. 

"Barf," Akito said, shaking his head as he looked at Toya. "C'mon, guys, move it along!" He yelled out to the girls. 

"Homophobic!" An yelled back.

Akito sighed, walking towards the other two with Toya. "Okay, let's sing this stupid song before Christmas,"

"We were just waiting on you," An said.

"Why you- you know what, let's just start warming up,"

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