ShizuMafu- Nothing is Wrong With Asahina Mafuyu🪐⋆。°✩

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a request by: @anesthetiskat

(A/N: OMG MY FIRST REQUEST! I'm so grateful for over eighty reads, this is incredible! Thank you to everyone who is reading this, and extra special thanks to anesthetiskat for suggesting this and being so incredibly kind, this is one is for you૮꒰˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶꒱ა˖⁺‧₊˚)

Miya Girl's Archery Club had many talented members, but none moreso than Hinomori Shizuku and Asahina Mafuyu. The two girls were easily the best in the club, hitting more targets than anyone else came close to. In fact, it was a constant debate between other members which of them possessed the most talent, but no one could come to a conclusive answer. 

"Asahina!" Practice had just ended when Mafuyu looked up to see the blue-haired girl smiling at her. She quickly plastered on her happy face, which often slipped with exhaustion. "Your last shot was incredible; I was in shock!"

"Thank you, Hinomori," Mafuyu replied, smiling. "You've been improving at such a fast rate recently, you're going to leave us all in the dust!"

"Oh, you think so?" Shizuku giggled. 

"Absolutely," Mafuyu said, nodding. "Have a lovely evening, get home safe-"

"Asahina!" Shizuku gulped. It had come out louder than she wanted. "I mean, um Asahina," She repeated, correcting her volume. "Would you like to walk home with me? I noticed you always go left out the main gates and that's where my house is as well, so..." Shizuku trailed off. 

"That would be lovely," Mafuyu agreed, noticing a faint blush across Shizuku's face, but brushed it off. She was surely just embarassed at having stumbled over her words. "Shall we?"

The two girls walked to the school's main gates in awkward silence, having not talked much outside of archery.

"So, Hinomori," Mafuyu said, breaking the quiet. "When did you take up archery?"

Shizuku was greatful for the question, which she hoped was just the start to a great conversation. "I think it was my first year at Miya!" she replied. "It just looked interesting, I'd never done it before so I thought I might as well try it out," she explained. "how about you?"

"I started when I was young," Mafuyu said. "Elementary school, first or second grade. I didn't join the school club until this year, though,"

"Oh, so you've always been athletic! I should have guessed," Shizuku said as they walked through the school gates. 

"Something like that..." Mafuyu replied, smiling at Shizuku again, though this time the strain to force her muscles into the expression was more obvious. "I mean, yes," Mafuyu said, mentally kicking herself. She was tired and slipped up, she couldn't have Hinomori Shizuku to be the one to find her out of all people...

Mafuyu felt a hand slip into her's. It was slender, warm and smooth. She looked over at Shizuku, who was looking at the purple-haired girl with concern. They had stopped walking now, and were standing hand-in-hand in the middle of the empty sidewalk.

"Asahina, I know we don't know each other very well, but if there's ever anything you want to get off your chest, please talk to me," Shizuku said, worry for her friend painted all over her beautiful face. 

"Oh, it's nothing, I'm just tired," Mafuyu replied, trying her best to smile once more, but her face wasn't responding. No matter what, as long as Shizuku was looking at her like that, she just couldn't make herself smile. When was the last time someone so whole, so full of life, had looked at someone like her with eyes full of worry? Maybe never.

"I can tell something's bothering you," Shizuku persisted. "Please, talk to me if it would help. You're not a burden, you know,"

There. She had done it. Mafuyu could feel the tears prickling behind her eyes. "I..." she couldn't even finish a simple sentence. As the tears poured down her cheeks, the taller girl pulled her in for a hug, wrapping her arms around Mafuyu's shoulders. When was the last time she had been hugged like this? With so much warmth and affection? Mafuyu never would have guessed that Shizuku would be the one to so many firsts into her day.

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