Saki Tenma- My Armour☆゚°˖*

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(A/N: Okay so basically, this is not going to be a ship one-shot, so I'm sorry to everyone wanting a new one! I will write more ship things next, I promise! I don't really like talking about myself on here all the time because people come here to read my stories, not my diary. But a quick fact about myself: I am a gyaru! I love being a gal, it's like my armour☆૮꒰ˊᗜˋ* ꒱ა and one of my very favorite characters, Saki, is also gyaru, so I had the sudden inspiration to write about her being gyaru! I hope you enjoy!)

I love many things. I love my band, Leo/Need. I love my family, especially my big brother. I love playing piano with him. I love when Shiho smiles for real. I love how excited Honami gets over apple pie. I love magazines, pop music, and the color pink.

And one of the things I love a lot is my fashion. My high ponytails, my long nails, my droopy eyeliner, my schoolbag adorned with too many pins to count.

I love being a gyaru!

It all started when I was eleven, bored halfway to death in the hospital. Just waiting for test results to come back. I didn't even feel that sick, so I was upset I had to stay there in the first place. Tsukasa visited me every day, sometimes bringing books or presents in an attempt to keep my spirits high. 

"Here, Saki, I brought you some magazines with cute outfits in them!" Just when I was going to ask how long I would have to stay there for the fifth time that day, Tsukasa entered the room, magazines tucked under his arm. "And I have your fuzzy socks too, since it's getting colder."

"Thank you, Tsukasa!" I said, smiling. 

"Here you are, princess Saki!" Tsukasa said, placing the magazines on the side of my bed so I could look at them. I giggled at the nickname. 

I picked up one of the magazines. On the front was a girl with big, blonde hair with flowers in it, sparkly eyeshadow, droopy eyeliner that made her eyes look big like an anime girl's, and a cheetah print tank top. The word 'POPTEEN' was in bubbly pink letters across the top of the cover. 

After that, I would always ask Tsukasa to bring me the newest POPTEEN and Egg  magazines whenever he could. Soon, a pile had formed on the nightstand beside my hospital bed, and when it got hard to sleep in the cold, dreary room, I would look at my favorite issues, at the glossy pictures of girls and boys with long nails, charms on their phones, and animal print clothing.

That same stack sits in my room, on top of my dresser now. Some of my favorite covers have been printed out and taped to my wall to form a little collage. As soon as I was told I could finally return to school and attend Miya with my friends, Tsukasa took me shopping. He was so happy, we were both practically bouncing through the mall. It had been so long since I had gotten to shop in person, running up to windows to look at something cute, carrying around colorful paper bags. 

With the girls from my magazines in mind, I picked out loose cardigans and plaid skirts for my school uniform. Tsukasa bought me a big red bowtie as a present for finally being well enough to go out again, and my parents bought me a new pair of chunky black mary janes for school. To top it all off, I got all new makeup since I hadn't gotten to try anything like it out yet, hair clips with fake hibiscus flowers attatched to them, and long, pink press on nails. 

I rushed up to my room to try everything on as soon as we got home, and as soon as I put on my new clothes, I couldn't help but smile. I admired myself in the mirror for song long Tsukasa came upstairs to check on me. 

But I knew the look wasn't quite ready yet. I looked up makeup tutorials on YouTube, and found one I like. This was the hardest part; the girl in the video made it look so easy, but I couldn't get my lashes and eyeliner quite right. On my fourth try, I finally got everything looking decent. I pulled my hair up into two ponytails, and put in my new hairclips.

It was like I was seeing myself for the first time. Instead of Saki, the sick girl, the poor girl who missed out on so much, I saw Saki, the girl who was ready to take on the world and look cute while doing it. Gyaru became my armour. No matter how many times I got sick, no matter the times where I was sad after missing out on so much, I finally felt like myself again, and no one could take that away. There was so much I lost, but my sense of self was what I gained from my experiences. 

So even when I have to get up early for band practice or have a test I'm not looking forward to, I put on my makeup, hair clips, and leg warmers, and I step out the door with a positive outlook on the world. 

Everything around me is an opportunity. Maybe I don't know what exactly yet, but I know I'll figure it out someday! I'm Saki Tenma. I have my armour on, my best friends next to me, and I'm going to show the world the girl who's ready to shine!

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