IchiKana- To Not Mess This Up⋆⭒˚。⋆

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A/N: This oneshot was a request by @lavender_sekai_freak on Wattpad! Thank you so much for suggesting this ship! I hope you enjoy!૮꒰ྀི∩' ᵕ '∩꒱ྀིა

Ichika couldn't focus. Had she just made the biggest mistake of her life? Even though math was usually a class she liked, she just couldn't concentrate today.

"Ah!" Ichika jumped a little as her phone buzzed, making the people around her look. She gave them an apologetic look before discreetly slipping her phone out of her pocket and reading the newest notification on the screen. 

Saki: i cant make it to band practice today i have to get sum routine tests done૮(˶╥︿╥)ა 

a moment later, another message appeared. 

Shiho: yeah me neither i have work. should we just call it off?

Ichika: sure

She replied, sighing a little as she watched a message from Honami come through, also agreeing to skip practice that day. Ichika was waiting for a text, not from her bandmates, but from a girl she had met not all that long ago now, Kanade Yoisaki. She clicked on the conversation between her and the silver-haired girl, re-reading the texts they had been sending nearly two hours earlier. 

Kanade: sure, sound good:)

Ichika: alright, it's a date!

The two were making plans to hang out that very afternoon at a cafe to discuss music, and Ichika had, after contemplating for nearly three minutes, sent that final text. Kanade had read it about fifteen minutes after it had been sent, but hadn't replied yet. 

Now, Ichika was sitting in math class with her phone in her hand and her heart in her throat, praying that she hadn't just ruined anything she had with Kanade, even if it was just a friendship. To be honest, Ichika had known she liked Kanade the first time they met. Not only was she beautiful, with long, silver hair and perfect, glowing skin, but she was gentle. Kanade seemed to genuinly care for everyone around her, treating them like beautiful flowers that had to be taken care of, treated with the utmost kindness. It was a privledge to even know the girl, Ichika thought. 

"Um, miss?" Ichika asked, putting one shaky hand up in the air. 

"What is it, Hoshino?" The teacher asked.

"May I please use the bathroom?" She said. The teacher nodded before returning to the problem on the chalkboard, and Ichika rushed out of the classroom.

Locking herself inside a stall as soon as she got into the washroom, Ichika leaned against the wall, letting out a deep breath, trying to calm herself. 

What was the worst that happened, Ichika thought? Kanade would reject her, and they would stay friends. Unless Kanade thought that would be too awkward, in which case, Ichika would be down a friend, and she really did value Kanade's friendship. Romantic or not, Kanade wasn't someone Ichika wanted to loose. She would tell Kanade that, when they met for coffee. Unless Kanade didn't show up... Ichika shook herself mentally. Kanade wasn't the kind of person to just stand her up without staying anything. So now, with a plan to explain everything to Kanade, to fight for her friend, Ichika splashed some cold water on her face and headed back to class. 


"Good Afternoon, Ichika," Kanade said as the black-haired girl sat down opposite her. They were in a cafe near Kanade's house, a quiet place that made good tea. "How are you?"

"I'm alright," Ichika said. Okay, so Kanade hadn't brought up the whole 'it's a date' thing yet. She wouldn't either. "Um, you?"

"I'm fine," Kanade replied. "Would you like some tea? Cake?"

"Oh, tea would be nice," Ichika said. "And cake is good, if you'd like some. But if not then I won't get any either..." she trailed off.

"Ichika?" Kanade said, looking at her with mild concern.

"Oh! Nothing, sorry," Ichika said. She could feel the heat rising in her cheeks. She wanted to ask Kanade, to confirm that she wasn't uncomfortable or weirded out, but how was she supposed to bring that up naturally? 

Kanade ordered tea and strawberry cake for both of them, and the visit passed by relatively normally. They discussed music, a new band that would be playing at an upcoming festival, and how they went about writing lyrics. Ichika almost forgot about her awkwardness from earlier as she lost herself in Kanade's words, here soft tone, everything about her that seemed to draw Ichika in.

Finally, they seemed to loose a little steam, their conversation becoming slower. Ichika checked her watch. Two and a half hours had already passed, here in this cafe with Kanade. She could hardly believe.

"I should get going before too long..." Kanade sighed, checking the time on her own phone.

"I- the last message I sent," Ichika said before she could stop herself. "I didn't mean... I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable!"

Kanade smiled a little. "Oh, is that what you were feeling so awkward about?"

"Well, yeah," Ichika admitted. "I totally get that this was just a friend thing, and I don't want to loose you as a friend, because you're like, really awesome, and-"

"Ichika." Kanade said. "I'm sorry I didn't reply. I've just... I've never been on a date before, and I didn't know what to say. But I did... I did want to say yes."

"Oh," Ichika said softly, the racing in her heading coming to a complete halt as Kanade continued to talk. 

"I like you, Ichika. A lot. And I didn't want to mess anything up by saying the wrong thing," Kanade said. 

"I like you too," Ichika confessed, looking down and blushing.

"So then there's no need to be embarassed," Kanade said. Ichika looked up to meet her eyes. "I like you, you like me, so let's just... let go of all that worry, right?"

"Yeah," Ichika agreed.

"Sorry to end this, but... I really need to get going," Kanade said, standing up.

"May I walk you home?" Ichika asked quickly, also standing.

"Oh!" Kanade looked surprised but pleased. "Yes. I'd quite like that,"

So they payed, and Ichika and Kanade set off on the short walk to Kanade's apartment.

"I had a lovely time today, Ichika. Thank you," Kanade said.

"No, thank you," Ichika said. "I had... a really good time, as well,"

Kanade nodded and smiled. "I'm glad. This is me," she said, gesturing the apartment building they had arrived at.

"Alright, well... have a good evening!" Ichika said, turning. 

"Wait," Kanade said. Ichika looked back at her, and before she knew it, Kanade had placed a short kiss on her lips. She tasted like Earl Grey and strawberries; what they had been eating at the cafe. "I'll message you soon, Ichika," and with that, Kanade had disappeared into the apartment building. 

Ichika was momentarily stunned. Had Kanade really just kissed her? She laughed a little. To think that just hours earlier, she was worried about if Kanade even liked her... she smiled to herself, turning to walk home. 

A/N: Please continue to leave your ship suggestions in the comments! I love most Kanade ships to be honest, they're all so cute!! Although a lot of the time I feel like it's something like:

Why I love KanaMafu- Kanade truly wants to help Mafuyu. They truly feel deeply for one another and understand each other on a level that not even the other members of Nightcord do. Mafuyu feels a sense of safety with Kanade, something she lost a long time ago. Kanade gives her a constant, something so hold on to.

Why I love IchiKana- teehee silly lil shy gfs:3

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