MizuEna- Spring Break Vacation!✧˖°. Part 3

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A/N: Above is a scientific diagram of what is to come in this chapter. You have been warned

When Mizuki got out of the shower, they found a softly snoring Ena curled up in the middle of one of the beds. They sat down on the edge of the bed, gently brushing stray hairs out of Ena's face as they admired the sleeping beauty.

"Mizuki?" Ena said sleepily, rolling over.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," Mizuki said. 

"That's okay," Ena replied. She snaked her arms around Mizuki's waist, putting them closer to her as they continued brushing her hair with their fingers. Mizuki blushed but didn't say anything as Ena put her head in their lap. "Mizuki, can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead," Mizuki said. 

"Would you rather be with Kanade or Mafuyu right now?" 

Mizuki was confused. They didn't know what they were expecting, but it certainly wasn't that. "No. I want to be right here with you, Ena," Mizuki said truthfully. "Why're you asking? Did I do something?"

Ena shook her head a little. "I don't know. I guess we just kinda argue about everything, and I don't know whether you actually hate me, or what," she said.

"Ena, if I hated you, would I have invited you here?" Mizuki said. 

"I don't know, you could've just felt like you had to..." Ena mumbled. "Whatever, never mind. I'm just being stupid,"

"Enaaaa, c'mere," Mizuki said, lying down next to the brunnette and pulling her into a tight hug. "I want you to be here. I want to be here with you and no one else, you hear me?"

"Loud and clear, you're talking right into my ear," Ena said, her voice slightly muffled, as she was resting her head in the space between Mizuki's shoulder and neck. 

"There's my Ena," Mizuki said, laughing a little.

(A/N: You're the only friend I need, sharing beds like little kids. if you get that I love you)

"You're a dumbass, Mizuki," Ena said, wrapping her arms around Mizuki.

"Oh yeah?" Mizuki asked, pulling away from the hug slightly. "Guess I shouldn't waste my precious affection on you since you think I'm a dumabass. Honestly, I'm like, super hurt, Ena!" They said playfully.

Ena rolled her eyes as they met Mizuki's. "Stop being so kind and loving, you might start to make me think you're in love with me or something," She said sarcastically. 

"Something like that," Mizuki said, smirking a little. Ena could feel her heart beat faster and faster as Mizuki tilted their head towards hers. Their lips were so close, if she just moved her face a little bit, they would touch. 

Mizuki could feel Ena's shaky breath against their face as they lay together, eyelashes mere centimeters away from each other. They swore they were close enough they could see the very matter Ena was made of. 

Ena slowly brought her lips to meet Mizuki's, barely brushing the other's mouth. It was as light as a feather touching skin, though Ena thought she might pass out. She leaned back slightly, disconnecting their lips and looking Into Mizuki's eyes, searching for something, anything, a reaction to what had just happened. "Um... was that, uh, okay?" Ena asked awkwardly. 

"Ena?" Mizuki said quietly.


"D'you think I could kiss you again?" Mizuki said. A rosy blush had spread across their fair skin, reminding Ena of watercolors spreading across a fresh piece of paper. 

Ena nodded, not wanting to say anything. She was afraid she might launch into a full on love-confession if she opened her mouth. 

Mizuki kissed Ena once more, with more sureness than the first time. They brought a hand up to the side of her face.

Ena rolled over onto her stomach, propping herself up on one elbow so she could hover herself over Mizuki's face, just stopping their lips from meeting. "Are you enjoying this, Mizuki?" She asked, wrapping a piece of Mizuki's hair around her finger. She was greatly enjoying the sight of Mizuki, red-faced and flustered.

"Yes," Mizuki breathed, lifting their head up slightly to reach Ena. "Yes," they said again in between kisses, just in case Ena had somehow missed it the first time. 

"Me too," Ena said before kissing Mizuki one more time, smiling as she pressed their faces together. 

It was a tangle of lips, hands on faces, hair falling down like dominoes. It was sweet like icing, cool like winter waters. Ena barely knew what she was doing, but none of that seemed to matter as they kissed Mizuki. She was putting her arms around Mizuki's waist, Mizuki's hands up in her hair, the world around them nothing but a blur. Everything that ever mattered was right here in this moment with them.

Finally, panting slightly, Ena pulled away from Mizuki, lying back down on her back. She could feel her own face burning hot, her lips practically numb. 

"So," Mizuki said, rolling over onto their side to look at Ena.

"So," Ena said nervously. "Um... what does this mean? For us,"

"What are you talking about? That was totally platonic," Mizuki said with a straight face, cocking their head at Ena. When Ena looked slightly worried, they burst out laughing.

"Mizuki! Ugh, that's it, I'm going to ask Mafuyu to switch with me," Ena said, sitting up. Mizuki pulled her back down at once, holding the brunette tightly in their arms.

"No, absolutely not," They said. "I'm sooooo very sorry, please forgive me my dearest Ena!" 

"Fine," Ena huffed. Not like she was actually mad at Mizuki. She never was. "But I guess if this was completely platonic, you should go back to your own bed,"

"Ena! You know I was joking. I like you. Not platonically. Romantically. In a super duper gay way. Happy?" Mizuki said. 

"Did you need to add that last part?" Ena asked, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, absolutely," Mizuki said. "Ena Shinonome, will you be my girlfriend?"

Ena tapped her chin, pretending to consider this. As if she hadn't been hoping the question would come for months. "I suppose," she said finally, sighing melodramatically. "I, uh, like you too, Mizuki,"

"In a super duper gay way?" Mizuki said.

"Yes," Ena sighed. "In a super duper gay way,"

"I was hoping so," Mizuki said, smiling as they kissed Ena's cheek. 

A/N: And that concludes our MizuEna series, my friends! Thanks so much for reading! I'm now going to be taking a break for about a week, as I'm going on vacation without WiFi! I'll see you all when I get back! Take care૮꒰˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶꒱ა˖⁺‧₊˚

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