KanaMafu- Fight For Peace⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

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A/N: The idea for this one shot is that Mafuyu moves in with Kanade after the most recent event where she ran away from home, so yeah I don't know what else to say other than enjoy the one-shot!

"That's the last of your things, Mafuyu," Kanade said, panting heavily and putting down the box she had insisted on carrying for her friend. 

"Thank you, Kanade," Mafuyu said. Her eyes were still red and puffy from having cried all night.

Kanade had accompanied Mafuyu back to her house once they were sure both her parents had left for work; they had packed up Mafuyu's things in a couple boxes and a duffel bag, and Mafuyu had left a note. She didn't say where she would be, just that she needed space and would be staying at a different place for a while. Forever, Mafuyu hoped. 

Now, Kanade had lugged the boxes up the stairs to her apartment, absolutely exhausted. 

"Are you sure it's okay if I stay here for... a little bit?" Mafuyu asked, fidgeting nervously with her hands. 

"Of course," Kanade said, smiling gently. "Let's have some lunch, what do you think?"

"Can you cook?" Mafuyu said, sounding surprised. 

"Well... I can try," Kanade said, unsure. "I'm good at making ramen,"

"May I try making lunch?" Mafuyu suggested. "I'm pretty good at cooking,"

"Of course," Kanade said, sighing with relief. She gestured to her kitchen, offering Mafuyu full usage. 

Mafuyu stepped forwards, looking through Kanade's fridge at all the ingrediants she had. "Let's see... how about grilled sandwiches?"

"Sounds lovely," Kanade agreed. "I'll put on the kettle for tea,"

The two girls moved around the kitchen, Mafuyu cutting vegetables and toasting bread, Kanade putting tea leaves into the strainer and boiling water. She finished making the tea as Mafuyu began to assemble the sandwhiches, and sat down at the kitchen table. Kanade couldn't remember the last time she had eaten a proper meal with anyone other than Ms. Mochizuki. She usually ate ramen or leftovers alone in her room, normally only when the others on Nightcord would remind her. 

Mafuyu was grilling the sandwiches in a frying pan on the stove now. Kanade watched in interest. She had never watched anyone cook since her mother was alive; her father tended to follow the same eating habits she did before his hospitalization, and Ms. Mochizuki always cooked while Kanade was working. 

Kanade could feel her mouth watering as Mafuyu cut the sandwiches in half, cheese melting onto the plate beneath them. She had stuffed them with cheese, meat, tomatoes, and lettuce, and it smelled like just about the most heavenly thing ever to Kanade, who hadn't eaten since the previous evening when Mafuyu arrived outside her door. 

"Thank you so much, Mafuyu. This looks incredible," Kanade said gratefully as Mafuyu set one of the plates in front of her. 

"It's the least I can do since you're allowing me to stay with you," Mafuyu said, taking a bite of her food. 

The two finished their lunch in silence before Mafuyu picked up their dishes and placed them in the sink, rinsing them out and tucking them in the dishwasher. "You need more groceries, Kanade. I just used up the last of what was in the fridge. What have you been even eating?" She said.

"Well, mostly I eat-"

"Ramen," Mafuyu finished for her. "Of course. Would you mind if I went out grocery shopping for us?"

"May I come with you?" Kanade asked, surprising Mafuyu. Kanade, leaving the house even though someone else was volunteering to do it?

Mafuyu nodded. "Yes, of course you can. Why, may I ask?"

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