EmuSaki- Cupcakes For My Cupcake˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖

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(A/N: Okay so I have a headcanon that Emu and Saki are both in poly relasionships with their respective units and the two of them are in a queer-platonic relasionship! If you don't know what a QPR is or just want more info, here's the link to DiveThru which gives a quick summary: 


You can just copy and paste that into whatever search engine you like!

So yes, this isn't going to be a typical ship chapter, sorry if that's what you were expecting₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎ in this story, Emu and Saki are both already in established relasionships with their units, and in a QPR with one another! I hope you enjoy☆૮꒰ˊᗜˋ* ꒱ა)

"Saki, Saki!" Emu bounded through the door of the youngest Tenma's classroom almost as soon as the lunch bell rang, signifying the end of morning classes. "Let's eat lunch together!"

"I was just about to find you and ask you the same thing!" Saki sqealed, getting up from her seat and slinging her bag over her shoulder. "I brought cupcakes with my lunch today, and I was hoping we could share them!"

"EEEEEE!" Emu exclaimed. "Cup-cup-cuppy-cupcakes, eating cupcakes with my Saki! Frosting and sprinkings, oh how yummy!" she sang as the two made their way down the school halls, which got them a few strange looks that the two girls promptly ignored. 

"Do you want to eat on the field?" Saki asked. 

"Yes! Under that super-duper big tree!" Emu said. "Let's skip there!" Emu took Saki's hand and began skipping down the hallway, making others go around her. Saki joined in, giggling.

Emu and Saki settled themselves under the biggest tree on school grounds, the one Emu had suggested, and pulled out their lunches. 

"Look, Saki, I cut my sandwhiches into kitty-cats!" Emu said, showing the contents of her pink sticker-adorned bento to Saki. The sandwhiches indeed were cut to look like cats, even with a little face that had been pressed in. "My big brother brough me this sandwhich press thingy that does that!"

"Ooh, what if we made cakes using those?" Saki suggested, eyes shining at the adorable food. "They could be chocolate and vanilla mixed, to look like a calico cat!"

"Oh my gosh, Saki you're a genius!" Emu said, hugging the other girl and giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Eeek, sorry! I got lip gloss on you!" Emu apologized quickly, using her sleeve to wipe off the spot she had kissed. 

"I'll just have to get you back then!" Saki replied, cupping Emu's face in her hands and placing kisses on both her cheeks. Emu retaliated by tickling Saki's belly, causing the taller girl to fall back, laughing. 

"Emu! No- fair!" Saki said, still laughing uncontrollably. "No cupcakes for you if you keep this up!"

"Oops!" Emu said, falling back. "I pinky promise I won't tickle you anymore, Saki!" Emu said, clasping her hands together and looking at Saki with puppy dog eyes. "So can I pretty pretty please have a cupcake?"

"Okay, I forgive you," Saki giggled. "I'll even give you the one with the most sprinkles!" She pulled a small paper box out of her bag. "I hope the icing didn't get squished..."

Saki opened the box and passed one of the pink frosted cupcakes to Emu, who took a big bite out of it, getting a little icing on the tip of her nose that made Saki laugh as she wiped it off with her pink handkercheif. 

"Mm, this is so wonderhoy!" Emu said, using her very favorite term to compliment one of her very favorite people. The two continued to eat their dessert together, talking and laughing all the while. Fashion, baking advice, crafts, hair styles, they could talk about anything with each other, and they did. 

"I'm so glad I have you, Emu," Saki said once they had finished eating, laying down with her head in the pink-haired girl's lap. Emu began to play with Saki's hair, making mini braids, something she loved to do whenever the two of them would cuddle. "You're just like candy!"

"Ooh, which one?" Emu asked, as she always took all of Saki's silly statements seriously and thought about them. "I think you would be a marshmallow,"

Saki thought about it for a second. "You'd be a gummy worm! Wait, why would I be a marshmallow?"

"Because whenever I see you I just wanna-" Emu squished Saki's cheeks lightly. "Like a marshmallow! Why would I be a gummy worm?"

"Cause you're colorful and small enough to wiggle into place's you probably shouldn't," Saki said, laughing.

"Hmm, that makes sense," Emu agreed. "You know me so well!" She kissed Saki's lips.

"What was that for?" Saki asked, surprised but pleased.

"You're like candy too!" Emu said, grinning widly. She hugged Saki, who repositioned herself to hug Emu, wrapping her arms around the shorter girl's stomach.

"Aww, are you cuddly today?" Emu asked, pushing Saki's bangs out of her face. 

Saki nodded, burying her face in Emu's belly, breathing in the smell of her sweater, feeling her soft hands running over her head. Saki loved her girlfriends, but that didn't mean her relasionship with Emu was any less important. Even though it wasn't inherently romantic or platonic, it worked perfectly for the both of them. Saki had always thought of Emu as the ice cream on top of her milkshake, the perfect touch to make a good thing amazing.

As the two lay together, just enjoying each other's company, Emu thought of the first time she had met Saki. She remembered all the good memories they had, of baking together, sleepovers, shopping, just being together, like they were now. She remembered the first time they kissed, how Saki had been wearing cherry lip gloss that Emu could taste for hours afterwards. Their first date at the cat cafe, where they had found a common love for fluffy animals. Everything with Saki was truly like dessert, sugary and sweet, something to always look forward to. 

"What're you thinking about, cupcake?" Saki asked, using one of the many pet names she had for Emu, most of which were dessert themed.

"You, of course!" Emu said, beaming at Saki. "How sweet and amazing you are,"

Saki blushed a little. "You take the prize for sweetest and most amazing-est though!" She said.

"Mm-mm," Emu said, shaking her head. "No one beats my Saki when it comes to sweetness!"

"You know I love you so much, Emu?" Saki said, wrapping her arm around the shorter girl.

"Of course I do! I love you most though," Emu said, leaning against Saki's shoulder. 



Saki sometimes wished the schoolbell would never come, so she could sit with Emu until the day was over. But she always reminded herself, that just made seeing Emu again that much sweeter! If you could have dessert all the time, it wouldn't really be dessert. Emu was something to be treasured and every moment with her was to be savoured. So as the two kissed goodbye where they had to go to their seperate classrooms, Saki didn't feel sad. She just thought of what kind of dessert she would make for Emu next time. Cupcakes for her cupcake, a sugary treat for someone ever so sweet!

A/N: I love their dynamic so much I can't even૮꒰ ˶꒦ິ꒳꒦ິ˶꒱ა♡ Just two silly girls with pink hair eating candy and being lovey-dovey is the best kinda relasionship, whether platonic or not or somewhere in between! Thanks for over sixty reads, wow, I just started writing this for fun but I'm so glad people are enjoying this! I am now also on AO3 under the same username, so if you'd like feel free to check me out over there! Have a wonderful day/night૮꒰˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶꒱ა˖⁺‧₊˚

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