AnHane- Those Moments˚☾⋆。𖦹 °✩

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"Woah, this is amazing, An!" Kohane stared up at the hotel in front of them. It was impressively tall, with big palm trees flanking the entrance and stone accents covering the walls. It looked to Kohane like the kind of place the main character would stay in a spy movie while slowly falling in love with the beautiful yet badass woman who he only begrudingly agreed to work with and-

"Yeah, my dad has some pretty awesome connections!" An agreed, inturupting Kohane's half-formed spy movie plot. Akito and Toya were following behind them, Akito panting, being laden down by An's bag ("What, so you're saying you're too weak?" An had said when he initially refused). 

"I can't believe in, An!" Kohane said, looking over at An. "We're seriously going to perform here in the big city! I'm getting nervous just thinking about it..."

"Hey, hey!" An said, putting a hand on Kohane's shoulder. "You can't start to freak out yet! Besides, we'll all be right there with you, right boys?" She turned around and gave Akito and Toya a look that said very plainly support my girl if you enjoy using all of your limbs.

"Kohane, sure. But jeez, An, what the hell did you pack? I'm not sure I'll be on your side after this." Akito said.

"Of course,  Asuzawa." Toya said. "We're your teammates after all,"

"See, Kohane! Everything will be perfectly fine. Just trust yourself and us as well!" An said, giving Kohane a wide grin and flashing the thumbs-up.

"A-alright. Thanks, An!" Kohane said, returning An's grin shyly.

"An, if you don't take this bag right now I am going to become a murderer," Akito yelled from behind them. 


"Woo, swimming time my dudes!" An yelled, throwing off her cover-up to reveal a blue-and-white striped bikini. "Akito, I will beat you at a water-slide race!"

"What, a water-slide race?" Akito asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'm not twelve-"

"Sounds like someooone's wimping out!" An said in a sing-song voice. "I remember how Toya once said he loves pathetic men more than anything, so I guess you two are perfect for each other,"

"Race you there!" Akito took off right in front of the "NO RUNNING ON THE POOL DECK" sign. Kohane and Toya watched as An quickly followed, yelling at him about head starts not being fair and therefore making his win not count. 

Kohane laughed softly. "An's too cute," she said to herself. 

"You think?" Toya asked. 

"A-ah! Oh my goodness I did not mean to say that out loud. Please forget you heard anything ever I'm going to go drown myself nice knowing you goodbye," Kohane turned around, face redder than a tomato.

Toya laughed. "Hey, don't worry. I'm not going to tell anyone."

"Thank you," Kohane said, sighing with relief. "I really, really didn't want this to be the way I confessed to An... or well, you confessed on my behalf,"

"So, what way do you want it to be?" Toya asked, sitting down on one of the white plastic loungers. Kohane sat on the one next to it, facing him.

"I, uh, haven't thought about that yet. I don't know if I actually should confess, I don't want to mess up the team or anything." Kohane mumbled. 

"You're just going to assume she doesn't like you back?" Toya asked with a small smile. "That girl is head over heels for you, Kohane. Just take your shot,"

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