EmuNene- Dream✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚

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Nene rubbed her eyes as she woke up. Light filled the room where she slept, probably the reason she had woken up in the first place. 

She yawned, looking over to see a pink-haired girl in My Little Pony pyjamas curled up under layers of blanket, clutching Nene's arm as though it was a lifeline. 

Nene didn't move, savouring the rare moment where she woke up before her girlfriend. Emu was an early riser, always excited for a new day to begin. It was a precious thing when Nene got to see Emu sleeping so peacefully and deeply. 

Emu's eyelids fluttered, and her mouth twitched into an almost-smile. Nene thought she must be waking up, before realizing Emu must be dreaming. Nene watched, taking in every beautiful detail. Emu's beadhead, bangs pushed to the side off her forehead, the small sprinkle of freckles across her button nose, the expression of complete relaxation that was not often present on her face. Her breath smelled like the bubble-fruit kid's toothpaste Emu still insisted on using (because adult toothpaste doesn't have Batman on it), warm against Nene's cheek.

Nene planted a soft kiss on the tip of Emu's nose before carefully extracting herself from her girlfriend's grip, sliding her arm out of Emu's hands and swinging her feet out of bed. She put on her pink fluffy slippers, at stood up, stretching. 

Emu slept over at her house now it was almost like living together. Nene's parents were very relaxed when it came to their daughter's girlfriend staying over, helped by the fact that they adored Emu, just as everyone who met her did. Mr. and Mrs. Kusanagi were on a trip this weekend, telling Nene it was fine to have Emu over for company, even purchasing Emu's favorite candy (sour watermelon gummies) and leaving them out on the counter for her.

Nene walked downstairs quietly, avoiding the stair that always creaked so as to let Emu sleep. They had been doing shows almost non-stop that week; Emu deserved her rest. 

She picked out the ingrediants from the cupboards to make pancakes, one of Emu's favorite foods. Nene had become quite adept at baking and cooking, a hobby she had picked up after Emu surprised her and the rest of Wonderlands X Showtime with a Valentine's cake, and she had decided to return the favour. She found baking quite theraputic and a good stress-reliever.

Nene dug the chocolate chips out of the back of one of the tallest cupboards, even though she had to balance precariously on top of of one of the counters on her knees to reach them. She added a cup of them to the pancake batter, and got ready to cook the first batch.

                                          ☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆

"Emu," Nene said softly, shaking Emu gently. The smell of fresh-made pancakes wafted upstairs into the bright bedroom.

Emu rolled over onto her back, her eyelids half-opening. "Nene," she said happily, giving the other girl a sleepy smile.

"Good morning, Emu," Nen said, smiling back. "I made pancakes, if you'd like to come downstairs and get some,"

Emu was out of bed in three seconds, eyes sparkling. "Pancakes?" she repeated excitedly.

Nene nodded. "Mhm. Should we go have some?"

Emu jumped up and down with excitement, grabbing Nene's hand. "Pan-cakes! Pan-cakes!" she chanted. She practically ran downstairs, and Nene could've sworn she saw Emu drooling when she saw the big stack of chocolate chip pancakes, with a bottle of maple syrup and can of whipped cream beside it. 

Emu squealed, barely sitting down before taking a few pancakes onto the plate Nene had set out for her. She dreanched them in syrup, and put a mountain of whipped cream on top before immediatly taking a huge bite, getting whipped cream all over her nose. 

Nene sat down as well, taking a pancake. She began to eat it.

"Nene! Don't you want whipped cream?" Emu asked, pushing the bottle towards her. 

"Well, alright," Nene said, adding a little on top of her pancakes, although nowhere near as much as Emu had. "These are good," she said.

"That's because you're the very best cook in the whole world, Nene!" Emu said.

Nene giggled. "I don't know about that, but thank you, Emu. By the way, what were you dreaming about?"

"Oh, you could tell?" Emu asked, looking impressed. "You're so smart!"

Nene blushed a little, taking another few bites of pancake and waiting for Emu to continue. 

"Well, it was a really cool dream," Emu began. "Where you were a princess, but the evil sorcerer, who was Rui, had locked you in a gingerbread house! I was a knight, so me and my gang of outcast thieves, who were Saki, Airi and Mafuyu, went to break you out! But there were guards at all of the doors, which all looked like gingerbread Tsukasas!"

"Sounds truly horrifying," Nene commented. 

"Oh, yes, it was! Because I didn't know how to save you!" Emu said, nodding. "But then Saki had a great idea, and said we should just eat the gingerbread to get inside! So we did, and it took a while, but we got inside, and I saved you and gave you a kiss!"

"That sounds like a nice ending," Nene said. "I like the last part,"

"Me too!" Emu said. "Do you want to recreate it?"

Nene flushed. "Sure. I'd really like that,"

"Perfect, because I also thought it would make a great show!" Emu exclaimed, face bright and full of inspiration.

"Huh?" Nene asked. 

"You said you wanted to recreate the dream, and the kiss! With a show!" Emu said. 

Nene sighed, smiling at Emu. She reached across the table to wipe the whipped cream off the pink-haired girl's nose. "That sounds like a wonderful show, Emu,"

"Yay!" Emu said, walking over to Nene. She planted a kiss on Nene's lips, making the latter blush hard. "I have so many ideas, I'm going to tell everyone all about them next time we meet!"

Nene was too flustered to speak for a moment. After a second, her face broke into a wide grin. "Yeah... sounds perfect," and she kissed Emu again, just because she could. 

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