MikuRin/Rinku- Puzzle Pieces☾⋆⁺₊🎧✩°。

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(A/N: What ship name are we using? I've seen both, so I'll just use more than one. And yes I know these are not exclusively Project Sekai characters, but I will be writing about Miku and Rin from the Empty Sekai specifically! By the way, as a huge KanaMafu fan, I think that as Mafuyu's feelings develop for Kanade, everyone in the empty Sekai's thoughts and feelings expand along with hers. So that's kind of the idea here, if you were going to comment "Well Miku and Rin are only there for Mafuyu" or something like that. Just save it because this is for fun!)

Rin felt nothing. Wandering the Sekai for hours at a time, she thought of many things, none of which made her feel any sort of way whatsoever. 

Except for one thing.

Miku spend her time in the Sekai playing Cat's Cradle and singing to herself. Her soft voice carried far and wide, if anyone was close to enough to hear it. 

Far enough that the blonde girl could sit just out of sight and still hear every word she sang. Why Rin did this, she couldn't say. All she knew was that she felt less empty when she heard Miku's voice. 

Rin didn't have anything that was hers, as far as she was aware. She didn't have a favorite color, or a favorite song. She didn't care for hobbies, or food. She ate whenever there was food in front of her. She walked across the vast nothingness for hours, maybe even days, she couldn't tell. Putting one foot in front of the other kept her busy, at least, and that was all she needed. 

Miku was singing again today, Rin noticed. She heard the girl's voice echoing through the nothingness, tugging at her chest as though an invisible string was attatched there, pulling Rin closer to the noise. 

"Please, show me if you do love me," Miku sang, "Tell me if you hate me,"

Miku was sitting against a big black cube. Rin inched closer and closer, even considering going up to her, although again she didn't know why. Rin eventually settled for sitting on the other side of the cube, letting herself be close to the comforting voice. 

"A cup of darjeeling that's never black or white, we remain in the grey area, The lies you tell without even batting an eye," Miku continued. "I can't help but yearn for your affection,"

Rin leaned the back of her head against the cube, shutting her eyes. She was nothing here in her head, the only real thing was Miku's voice, the soft tone and perfect notes. Everything else was irrelevent, meaningless.

"Please don't go" Miku finished.

There was silence from the white haired girl. The world around them was so quiet Rin could hear her breathing. The nothingness, usually so comforting to Rin, now had a glimmer of want somewhere in it. A want to be close to Miku, to hear her voice, to just exist next to her. 

"Rin," Miku spoke out of the blue. 

Rin sighed, standing up. She walked around the cube to see Miku. "What gave me away?"

Miku shrugged, looking up at the blonde. "You have a certain presence about you, I suppose." Miku replied. Rin couldn't pick up any sort of indicators towards whether this presence was good or not. Not that it mattered. She didn't care, she told herself.

"Would you like to sit with me?" Miku asked, her expression as unreadable as ever.

Rin hesitated just a second, then nodded. She sat down next to Miku, looking straight forward, making a concious effort not to look over at the girl next to her. 

"Were you listening to me sing?" Miku said. "If you want to talk. You don't have to,"

If it was anyone else, Rin would have told them she didn't have any interest in talking, she didn't care, and it would be true. But if it was anyone else, Rin wouldn't have stopped to listen to them sing in the first place.

"I guess I was." Rin answered. "Is that one of the girl's songs?"

"Yes. Mizuki and Ena really like it, so it reminds me of them," Miku said, smiling softly.

She really cares about those girls, huh? Rin thought. She didn't exactly know why, as she hadn't come along until long after Miku existed in this strange place. The words bubbled up before Rin could push them back down her throat. "That's very sweet," such a plain sentence, yet the praise tasted foreign on her tongue.

Miku looked over at Rin in surprise. Much to the latter's gratitude, she didn't inquire anymore about what could have possibly made such an emotionless thing say something like that.

"I think you are sweet as well, Rin," Miku said. Rin glanced over into Miku's eyes. There was no reason to lie in this place, where everything meant nothing. 

Feelings boiled up, hot and fiery in Rin's chest. The first compliment she had ever gotten was like a warm bath after being stranded in the cold for days. That feeling grew more by the second as she looked at the white-haired girl, warming her up and making her feel lighter. 

Miku rested the side of her head on her knees, her gaze still on Rin. She too felt something, though perhaps not as suddenly as Rin. From the moment the blonde girl arrived in the Sekai, Miku had a feeling in her gut that this was something, someone special. As standoffish as she could be, Miku knew in her heart that Rin was like her; just a little girl buried under layers and layers of self-hatred, longing to be loved.

Rin finally looked away from Miku, but as soon as she did, she felt something on her shoulder. Miku had placed her head gingerly on Rin's shoulder, not looking at her either. Rin didn't say anything, nor did she smile. She just hoped that one day, she would be able to explain these strange feelings she had towards the girl next to her.

Night never comes in the Sekai. Time does not matter in the vast nothingness. That's what Rin believed. She never would have imagined how precious time could be when it was spent with the person now dozing lightly on her shoulder. The silence was no longer quite as cold and threatening, the emptiness no longer quite so depressing.

Maybe, this was how everything was meant to fall. Puzzle pieces dumped all over the floor, everything slowly but surely finding it's perfect place. 

(A/N: I'm being a little slow with updates so please forgive me! I've been working on improving my mental health, and I know people say things all the time like "fanfiction writers are actually insane/mentally ill" but honestly writing this has been very theraputic for me! Thank you all for supporting me૮꒰˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶꒱ა˖⁺‧₊˚)

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